Foundation Learning (SEN)
Foundation Level courses focus on developing skills for young people and adults who are working towards qualifications at Entry Level, Level 1 and Level 2. We run a range of courses that are bespoke to the varying needs, skills and abilities of our learners and that are aligned with their future ambition.
The below links will take you to the individual courses. There is a focus on independence progression and skills in the Entry Level range and, at Level 1, there is a focus on a vocational area of your choice. The GCSE Fast Track course focuses on Level 3 progression routes.
Whichever level or course you choose you will be taught by specialist teachers and supported in class by our learning assistants to help you get the best out of your time at College. Our aim is to help you to progress to the next level of programme in the area that best suits your skills and to open opportunities for your future, whether that be independent living, further study, or employment.

Entry Level
Gateway to Independence
This course is for you if you want to become more independent. You will learn about how your local community works and how to use your skills so you can feel more confident and do more things for yourself. You will be taught in small groups and be in College three and a half days a week.
Entry criteria: Interview only.
Gateway to Progression
This course is for you if you are not sure what you want to do in the future. Here you will explore a range of employment options and we will work with you to develop your interview skills and participate in community-based projects. Alongside this you will study English and Maths and work closely with your tutor to help you progress. This course is usually taught in groups of 14-16, over three to four days a week.
Entry criteria: Grade 1 English and Maths, or below.

Level 1 Programmes
BTEC Introductory Diplomas
These courses are for you if you know the kind of work for which you would like to train. There are a range of courses that give you an introduction to your chosen world of work. Assignments are set regularly and will contribute to your overall grade. You will engage in work experience with business partners to broaden your knowledge. You will study English and Maths alongside your main BTEC qualification if you haven’t already gained a GCSE at grade 4. You will be taught in groups of 14-16, over three to four days a week.
Available Level 1 Diplomas
The following BTEC Introductory Diplomas are available:
Entry criteria: Four GCSEs at grade 2, including English and Maths.

Young ESOL Plus (Yes +)
This course is for you if you are new to living in the UK and you are between the ages of 16 to 18 years old. You will still be developing your English language, speaking and listening skills in the ESOL Entry range and you will be supported to explore British society alongside personal and social development skills. This programme runs for 36 weeks, over four to five part time days per week.
Entry criteria: Interview and assessment.

Supported Internships
This work based course is for you if you are 19 or over, you hold an EHCP (Education Healthcare Plan) and you have a desire to progress towards employment. You will spend two days in a work placement as an intern. You will be supported by job coaches who will work with you and the employer to help you achieve your goals. You will spend one day a week at College completing work around employability skills, while brushing up on English and Maths skills needed for the workplace. At the end of this programme, you may receive a reference from both your tutor and your internship employer, or an interview for employment. The programme runs for 36 weeks, over three days a week.
Entry criteria: Interview only.
GCSE Fast Track
A unique course in the UK that enables you to gain three full GCSEs in a year
This course is ideal if you want to take your GCSEs or improve your current GCSE grades to enable you to progress on to a Level 3 course.
You will study three subjects: GCSE English, Maths and Biology. If you have already achieved a grade 4 or above in any one of these three GCSE subjects, you may be offered the opportunity to study GCSE Sociology or undertake the Higher Project Qualification at Level 2.
You will be taught through lectures, group work, teamwork, plus individual study. GCSE Fast Track is highly supportive course, which encourages independent learning.
Entry criteria: Entry is by personal interview with a member of the GCSE Fast Track Team. You need to have been working towards GCSE level qualifications or have a grade 3 or 4 in English Language and Maths. There will be pre-course assessments to check your current level.
What you will learn
You will have an individual timetable based on three subjects: GCSE English, Maths and Biology. If you have already achieved a grade 4 or above in any one of these 3 GCSE subjects, you may be offered the opportunity to study GCSE Sociology or undertake the Higher Project Qualification at Level 2.
What you can expect
You will have a personal tutor and attend weekly Personal Development sessions. You will receive preparation for progression on to Level 3 programmes.
Assessment is a mixture of presentations, practical work and final examinations in May and June.
Most students progress to AS Levels or Vocational Level 3 programmes within Exeter College, in subjects ranging from Catering to Classical Civilisation. Some students have progressed on to Apprenticeships and some have gone on to full time employment. As part of your personal development, attention is given to employability skills and progression skills. You will be supported with transition.

Have a question?
If you have questions or would like to speak to someone, our team of Customer Service Advisers can help answer your questions or direct your enquiry to the correct team.
Speak to us today on 01392 400500 or email
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