Parent Portal
At Exeter College we know that keeping parents and guardians updated on progress is key to ensuring that our learners thrive and succeed with us.
If you’re a parent or guardian of a young person currently studying with us, you can register for our Parent Portal – an online space where parents and guardians can track the progress of their young person at college. You will be able to see what course(s) your young person is enrolled on, along with attendance data, timetables, progress reports and tutor contact information.

Frequently Asked Questions
I do not know my young person’s Student ID No?
Please ask your young person for this – it is a 10 digit no. printed on their student ID card typically starting 9900
I haven’t got my Parent Portal reference number
You can be linked manually using just the young persons student ID number and their date of birth. See above for further details.
I have entered the student ID no. and their DoB but it keeps taking me back to the beginning and asking me to enter the details again?
This is likely to be either:
1. The student ID no. is incorrect (should be 10 digits starting 9900)
2. Date of Birth is incorrect.
How can I check I am registered next of kin?
Ask your young person to check their College eILP (Electronic Individual Learning Plan). Amendments can be made to contact details in Personal Details > Next of Kin > Change details
I want to change my email address on the Parent Portal
First you will need to ask your young person to change the email address they have registered for you on their eILP. Once this has been done you will then need to re-register for the Parent Portal using the new email address.
I have more than one young person at Exeter College
Log in to your Parent Portal account as normal, follow instructions to linking a student, then press Add Student
My young person’s attendance appears to differ from what it should be?
Please contact their tutor.
The timetable is wrong on the parent portal, where should my young person be?
Please contact their tutor.
How can I pay for trips and resources?
How can I find out about parent’s evenings and other events?
For further useful information for parents, including dates for Parents Progress Evenings, please visit the Parents page here.
For the latest newsletters for parents/guardians of current students, please visit our Parent News Archive. If you are not receiving these communications, please ask your young person to check that they have registered the correct email address for you on their eILP.
Contact us
For further support using the Parent Portal you can contact us
by email at