Student Engagement and Representation
Student Voice
Student Voice is our commitment to listen to our students, we use your feedback to inform decision making, and deliver an exceptional student experience for everyone. There are regular opportunities to give us your views on everything to do with the College, your course and your experience. On top of the College engaging in national Higher Education surveys, students meet with teaching and support staff multiple times per year, encouraging open and honest conversations, and there is an opportunity to become a Student Governor and take the views of your fellow students directly to the senior levels of the College.
Whatever your views or opinions, Exeter College encourages an environment of honesty and respect, ensuring everyone feels comfortable to share their views in a constructive way, so that we are all working together to improve every student’s experience.

Student Representatives
Student Representatives are students chosen by their peers to represent their views at programme meetings, boards of study, in student consultations, and to provide regular feedback to staff throughout the year. Their role is one of exceptional importance to us as it allows the College to hear first-hand what students are thinking and feeling so that we can work together to continuously improve their student experience.
Being a Student Representative is a rewarding and enlightening experience. The role supports the development of communication and presenting skills, time management and organisation, as well as providing a valuable service to the student community.
Student Ambassadors
Our Ambassadors are current students who have been employed by the College to represent the College and our partner organisations using the benefit of their own student experience. If you have any questions about what it’s like to study Higher Technical Education then please find one our amazing Ambassadors at an Open Event!
Becoming a Student Ambassador allows you to earn while you learn in a job that’s flexible enough to fit around your studies while also allowing you to influence young people who are interested in HTE with your positive and authentic view of Exeter College student life. The work Ambassadors undertake involves promoting Exeter College by providing information, advice and guidance through a variety of public facing events.
The Ambassador scheme is ideal for you if:
- You feel positive about HTE and want to share your enthusiasm with prospective students.
- Like to work with young people and want to help them in making the important decision to enter a HTE course.
- Want flexible work that will fit around your study.
- Want to enhance your employability by developing a skillset that will show you have the ability to adapt to different job roles and grow your confidence in dealing with members of the public
You will also be eligible to work for our partners Next Steps South West who promote routes into higher education in schools that have high proportions of learners from backgrounds that don’t traditionally access university level study.
Ambassador recruitment starts early in the first term so keep your eyes open if you’re interested!