Important Information for Students
Office for Student Registration

Exeter College is an approved university level provider and on the Office for Student Register.
Further information can be accessed here:
This section contains important information for you as a prospective University Level student at Exeter in relation to:
- Sources of information about your University Level (also known and referred to as Higher Education) programme of study and policies and procedures that will apply to you as a University Level student at Exeter College
- The College’s relationship with you as a consumer of its university level educational services and your consumer rights as a university level student
- The external quality assurance reviews that apply to the College’s university level provision and the outcomes of those reviews
- The College’s objectives and commitments in relation to widening participation in higher education and ensuring the access, success and progression of its university level students
Please ensure that you read this information and any linked documents carefully and if you have any questions, please contact the College’s Adult Advisers at or on 01392 400170 instance.
Programme of Study
Information on your programme of study can be found in the following locations:
- On the relevant programme pages of this website (please use the course search facility to locate);
- In the programme-specific Student Handbooks (available on the relevant programme pages of this website); and
- In the University Level Prospectus (available in hard copy and electronic copy via this website).
Ancillary information such as Tuition Fees for your programme of study and aspects of life as a university level student at the College are provided on the relevant pages of this website.
Summary of 2024-25 course fees
In addition the cross-College Student Handbook for all Higher Education students provides further information on issues such as:
- Approaches to university level study;
- Attendance expectations;
- Student Representation and Student Voice;
- Assessment and Extenuating Circumstances; and
- Complaints and Appeals.
The handbook may be accessed here:
Click here to access the student handbook.
Please note all Student Handbooks are updated on an annual basis so please ensure that you are referring to the most recent version.
Policies and Procedures
Information on Exeter College’s Mission, Values, Policies and Procedures may be found in the section of this website. Please follow this link to access
These majority of these policies and procedures apply to University Level students as well as other students of the College. Where there are distinctions, this will be noted within the relevant document.
In addition, where your university level programme of study is either validated or franchised by one of the College’s Partner Universities their academic regulations, policies and procedures may also apply to your programme of study.
Information on the College’s Partner Universities may be accessed here. Information on which Partner University is associated with your Programme of Study will be found on the relevant programme pages of this website (please use the course search facility to locate).
The links below provide direct access to the academic regulations, policies and procedures pages of the College’s Partner University websites:
University | Location on University Website |
Kingston University | |
Plymouth Marjon University | |
University of Exeter | |
University of Plymouth | |
Please note academic regulations, policies and procedures for students on Higher National Certificate and Higher National Diploma RQF awards from Pearson are embedded within the College’s own policies and procedures.
Consumer Rights
All institutions which provide undergraduate courses, including Universities and FE Colleges, must comply with consumer law. Under such law, students were are deemed to be consumers of educational services and measures to protect consumer rights apply to them.
This requires the College to ensure that:
- Students are given up front, clear, timely, accurate and comprehensive information about their programme of study and any regulations, policies and procedures that apply to it;
- Any terms and conditions applying to the provision of educational services by the College to the student, as the consumer of those services, are fair; and
- Any student complaint handling processes and practices, before, during and after the completion of a programme of study, are fair and transparent.
- It has a Student Protection Plan in place to protect the interests of students in the event of a material change in their programme of study
A summary for students ‘Undergraduate Students: Your Consumer Rights’ has been produced by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) and may be accessed below:
Click here to access a summary for students ‘Undergraduate Students: Your Consumer Rights’
The terms and conditions applying to University Level or Higher Education study at the College are contained within the College’s Student Agreement. This covers all aspects of the relationship between the College and you as a consumer of its University Level educational services, as well as your consumer rights as a University Level student. The Student Agreement may be accessed here:
Student Contract 2022/23 (for students commencing their programme of study in September 2022)
Student Contract 2023/24 (for students commencing their programme of study in September 2023)
Student Contract 2024/25 (for students commencing their programme of study in September 2024)
Click here to access the student contract cancellation form.
Click here to access the student protection plan.
Please note that as specified in the agreement, the terms and conditions come into effect when you accept a place on your programme of study. You do, however, have a right to withdraw if you change your mind and the student agreement will cease to apply if you do not progress to enrolment on your programme of study.
External Quality Assurance
QAA Higher Education Review
In April 2015, following a comprehensive review of all our university level provision, Exeter College received the seal of approval from the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA). The Review Panel agreed that all aspects of the university level learning opportunities provided by the College met UK standards and expectations. The Panel particularly identified as an area of good practice, “The comprehensive and consistent academic support for students that enables them to fulfil their potential” (QAA, 2015).
Click Here to read the QAA Higher Education Review report
In response to the Review, the College has developed a comprehensive plan of action to ensure that good practice is maintained and opportunities to continue to enhance the student experience at Exeter College are pursued.
Click Here to read the Exeter College Higher Education Action Plan

Access and Participation
In accordance with Condition A1 of its registration as an Approved (Fee cap) Provider with the Office for Students (OfS) Exeter College has developed, and had approved by the Director of Fair Access, an Access and Participation Plan (APP). The APP details the College’s commitments and the resources that it will allocate to enhancing the access, success and progression of students from priority groups that are currently under represented within the College’s university level student community. The Access and Participation Plan for 2024/25 is based on the following objectives:
- Widening access to HE
– To raise awareness and aspiration in relation to the opportunities presented by HE to prospective students within the community served by the College, with a focus on underrepresented groups identified by national strategic guidance, local demographics and the College’s HE student profile; - Ensuring success within HE
– To provide support to all current students to aid their transition to HE, continuation on programme and achievement of their intended qualifications and to provide targeted interventions to underrepresented groups and individuals to close attainment gaps in a timely and supportive manner; and - Supporting progression from HE to graduate employment, self-employment or further academic study
– To provide a range of services to ensure that all students are able to realise their ambitions in relation to undertaking further study at or outside of the College, securing graduate level employment or starting their own enterprises, with a particular focus on underrepresented groups. - Enhancing progress through positive relationships
– To develop positive working relationships with local schools, communities and employers to facilitate the sharing of knowledge, skills and expertise to improve evidence-based practice, thereby paving the way for more young people to progress into HE.
Click here to view the Summary of Fees for 2024/25 academic year.
Full information on our current APP can be found below:
Access and Participation Plan 2025-26 – 2028-29
Access and Participation Plan 2020/21 – 2024/25
Summary of 2024-25 to 2028-29 Access and Participation Plan
2019-20 Access and Participation Plan monitoring – Provider impact report
In addition, in accordance with Condition F3 of its registration, the College is required to publish its Transparency Data Return. This data provides an overview of the number of students from underrepresented groups within its University Level student community and, therefore, provides an indication of its progress in relation to widening participation.
A copy of the Transparency Data for 2023 is provided below and will be updated annually: