Why I Love My College…

This week, 14-18 October, is national Love Our Colleges Week. The Love Our Colleges campaign is supported by the Association of Colleges (AoC) and is an opportunity to highlight the brilliant work that goes on in colleges, and the inspirational students and staff that make it all possible. 

To celebrate this campaign, we have been sharing some of our favourite news stories from the year on our social media channels. To end our week of celebrations, we spoke to Performing Arts student Natasha Pavey. Natasha is in her second year at college and is also the Communications Officer for Exeter College Students Union (ECSU).  

Here’s what she had to say about her experiences at Exeter College… 

I wanted to get involved with the ECSU as I thought it would be a great way to have my voice heard and help make college the best place it can be, creating positive change and ensuring every student enjoys their time here. I also thought it would be a great chance to join a team of likeminded young people and gain lots of transferable skills that I can take with me as I progress onto university next year.  

The ECSU run events throughout the year. For example last week, we ran a stall outside the Hele Road building giving out free tea and cake for #WorldMentalHealthDay. We hope that through running these events we make students’ time at college that bit better. We also have a say in how to improve the overall student experience. This means that students can give us their feedback on college life and we do our best to improve this. In past years, the ECSU Committee have initiated the installation of flip down chairs in buildings across campus, added more water fountains across college sites, memorial benches, lockers and additional furniture in the pop-up LRC. 

Students messages outside the Hele Building for World Mental Health Day and the Exeter Campaign, Let’s Chalk.

I chose to study at Exeter College because I wanted to be around lots of different new people. Through college, I have met many amazing, creative and talented young people my age that push me to do my best through my course, enrichment, academy and different projects. Exeter College is also in the centre of Exeter so you can go into town whenever you want which is ideal when you need a break from work or need a new study spot.  

As a Performing Arts student, being in the heart of Exeter means we can just walk up the road to see a show at the Northcott Theatre and walk ten minutes the other way to perform in the Barnfield Theatre. I also feel like there’s so many fantastic opportunities at Exeter College to challenge yourself and get your voice heard through clubs and societies, trips, becoming a tutor rep, and joining the Student Union!  There’s so much to get involved in and so many pathways you can take.  

I love my college because it’s a hub of creative, diverse, inspiring and determined young people. In terms of further education – it’s the place to be! 

By Natasha Pavey, Exeter College student.