Free Advanced Manufacturing course launched for adults at Exeter College
Exeter College is proud to be offering adult learners (18+) the opportunity to retrain for a career in Advanced Manufacturing by taking part in a FREE part-time course.
Starting from 27 April 2022, this is a 10-week course, funded in full by the Government and delivered in partnership with HepcoMotion in Tiverton.
The free Advanced Manufacturing course focuses on developing practical skills for the workplace and will consist of a two day per week learning experience with our subject specialist lecturers at Exeter College and experience of working within HepcoMotion.

The course will cover:
- Awareness of Health and Safety in Manufacturing
- Completing milling tasks
- Completing turning tasks
- Learning how to programme a CNC system
By the end of the course, students will have produced a portfolio of evidence and will be able to attend a job interview for a genuine vacancy in the industry, backed up by the skills learnt during the course. The portfolio will provide employers with evidence of your new skillset.
Applying for the course is easy – simply fill this form in and our team will be in touch!
Want to know more?
Read all about it here.
Got any questions?
Need help with deciding on your pathway or have any more questions? Contact the Adult Learning Advisers on AdultAdvice@exe-coll.ac.uk