A unique graduation experience
We are proud that we are able to offer our Higher Technical Education (HTE) students a unique graduation experience. With a grand procession through the city centre, culminating in a ceremony that takes place in Exeter Cathedral, we truly believe there is no better way to celebrate your achievements. This exciting and rewarding event is much enjoyed by our students and we are often told it is the perfect way to end their time studying with us.
“Graduation is a way of recognising all the achievements and hard work put in over the past three years.”
Lewis, BSc (Hons) in Health and Social Care

Graduation Ceremony 2024
This year’s graduation ceremony will be on Friday 25 October 2024.
Ordering your Cap and Gown
Marston Events are providing the caps and gowns, which students must wear to attend the ceremony.
You can book your cap and gown when you book your place here.
Guest Tickets
Every student is guaranteed three guest tickets when booking.
We should be able to accommodate more guests in the Cathedral but the remaining seats will be allocated on a first come, first served basis on the day.
What to Wear
Graduation ceremonies are a formal occasion so casual clothing is not considered appropriate. We suggest graduands and guests dress in smart attire, or as if attending an interview.
All graduands are required to wear a cap and gown. This needs to be ordered in advance when you book your place with Marston Events.
Professional photos will be taken by Marston Events in the Cavendish Room at the Rougemont Hotel before and after the ceremony. If you would like to book in advance, please click here.
You can also book on the day, but you should allow plenty of time.

Itinerary for the day
Time | Itinerary |
12.00-1.45pm | Students arrive at the Rougemont Hotel on Queen Street to register. Once you have registered, you will need to collect your cap and gown from Marston Events in the Derby room at the Rougemont Hotel. You will then have the opportunity to have professional photographs taken in the Cavendish room at the Rougemont Hotel. |
2.00pm | All students MUST meet in the Devonshire room in the Rougemont Hotel to get organised for the procession through Queen Street to the Cathedral. Students will be lined up by course, alphabetically. Students must stay in procession order as this is the order they will sit in at the Cathedral. |
From 2.00pm | Guest seating is available in the Cathedral. Guests have the option of taking their seats or watching the procession. All guests must be seated by 2.45pm. |
From 2.30pm | Procession begins. Students will leave the Rougemont Hotel and begin the walk to the Cathedral. The route will start in Queen Street, turn right along the High Street, pass the Guildhall and then turn left into Broadgate street and Cathedral Yard. In the Cathedral students will find their programme with name card attached on their seats. Students need to take their name card onto the stage and their name will be read out. Please note, we aim to process in all weather conditions, including rain, so please wear sensible footwear. In case of severe weather, it may be deemed necessary to cancel the procession. If this is the case, we will let you know when you arrive and via our social media channels. |
2.50pm | Everyone takes their seats in the Cathedral. All guests must be seated in the Cathedral by 2.45pm |
3.00pm | Ceremony Starts. |
4.30pm | Ceremony Ends. |
4.30-5.00pm | Course group photos will take place on the Cathedral green. |
4.30-5.30pm | There will be a second opportunity to have individual and family photos taken in the Cavendish room at the Rougemont Hotel. Return cap and gown to Marston Events (unless you have purchased extended hire) who will be based in the Rougemont Hotel in the Derby room. Gowns must be returned to the Rougemont no later than 5.30pm. |

Got any questions?
Please contact us if you have any queries by emailing or phone 01392 400224.