Teachers from Shanghai Visit Exeter College under Global Partnership
Chinese teachers from Shanghai visited Exeter College in a mutually beneficial exchange visit, under an international partnership.
Two experienced teachers, Sun (Harry) Qianzhi and Zhijing (Joey) Zhang, from the world- class Shanghai Information Technology College spent an intensive two weeks undertaking tailored teacher masterclasses and observing teachers at Exeter College, ranked Ofsted ‘Outstanding’.
The Chinese teachers studied an Introduction to Inclusive Teaching and Learning qualification, accredited by City & Guilds.
The visit is the latest in the continued partnership between the Shanghai Information Technology College, and Exeter College. In November, a group of a dozen students from the Shanghai Information Technology College will be visiting Exeter College.
Delegations of students and staff from both colleges have visited each other in recent years as part of the growing relationship between both leading education colleges.
Malcolm Walsh, Assistant Principal, Exeter College, who presented the teachers with their certificates at the end of the two week exchange visit, said: “This unique partnership between one of the best IT colleges in China and ourselves is very exciting. Students from both countries have experienced each other’s cultures, ways of study and completed real digital animation projects for local businesses.
“This most recent step in the relationship has seen two Shanghai staff come to Exeter to learn about our ways of teaching. They told us that whilst there are many similarities that there have also been some key differences of approach. They have been model students and wonderful representatives of their college.”
Emma Ackrill, Programme Leader, Business and IT, who coordinated the exchange visit, said: “It has been a privilege to host our visitors Joey and Harry from the Shanghai Information Technology College over the last two weeks. They have worked incredibly hard in studying towards their teacher qualification and have taken a great interest in our teaching and learning methods which they can take back and apply in their own teaching in Shanghai.”
Partnership between Exeter College and Chinese college goes from strength to strength – Teachers from the Shanghai Information Technology College visited Exeter College in a mutually beneficial exchange visit. Here the teachers are seen (pictured centre) after receiving their award at the end of their two-week visit to the college.