Students showcase their musical talents

Over 100 students from the city’s college took to the stage at Exeter Phoenix on Wednesday evening in a musical showcase celebrating the diversity of the musical styles they are learning.

Made up of a combination of current and past music and enrichment students from all levels and staff, the production was also supported by music technology students and the college’s own higher education film and television students – mirroring the range of talents needed to deliver the high quality standard music events demanded by industry and public. What was unusual about this musical event was the sheer breadth of musical styles performed throughout the evening with big band, brass, jazz, rock and chamber orchestra pieces filling the bill – all types of musical expertise offered at the college.

The event attracted over 130 guests, including Exeter College staff and Governors, guests from local schools and colleagues from the music industry, along with college applicants and parents and friends of the students performing.

David Golby, Deputy Head of the faculty of Media and Performing Arts, said:

It was a fantastic night for all involved, the Phoenix had a great buzz and it was an excellent opportunity for the students to perform to a large crowd and demonstrate their outstanding musicianship.

To view photos from the evening please click here

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