Foundation Studies students at Exeter College have raised over £200 by organising two 5km charity treks across Woodbury Common for the Help For Heroes charity, a charity close to their hearts.

Currently studying for their Level 1 BTEC diploma in Public Services, the students – led by team leaders Robyn Whittaker, aged 17, of Cheriton Bishop, and Reece Baker, aged 18, of Exmouth – called upon the support of other College colleagues, including those attending the Positive Pathways course and the Learn 2 Work programme, to also take part in the exercise.

During two one-day events, with Foundation Studies staff as course marshals, students paid £3 each to join the fundraising walk, which saw them braving the cold and drizzle cross-country to earn their Help For Heroes wristbands at the finishing line.

Afterwards, £203.27 was handed over to Lynda Milne, Exeter Area Co-ordinator for Help For Heroes, by Robyn.

Robyn said: “There was a little bit of rain for us, but it was a good day and I am really pleased with everyone who organised this, and everyone who took part. They all put in a lot of effort.

“Now we have done this once, it would be nice to organise an even bigger event and raise even more money,” continued Robyn. “As Public Services students, we understand why Help The Heroes is such an important charity to those it helps, and we all recognise that one day we might be in that situation ourselves.”

Lynda added: “I would like to thank all the students involved in these two events. The two group leaders took responsibility from the start, for everything from contacting me in the first place to tell me what they would like to do, to picking up collection buckets and wrist bands, and making sure everything ran smoothly on the day. They should be very proud of themselves.

“From the Help For Heroes point of view, every penny counts, and the chances are that the money the students at Exeter College have helped raised will one day help someone from their town or county.”