Students celebrate opening of Central Fitness

Staff and students at Exeter College are toning up after celebrating the opening of their brand new college gym last week.

Around 50 invited guests, including staff, students and college governors came together to formally open the new facility last Friday. Named after its location in the centre of the college's city sites and opposite the Central railway station, the new gym is called 'Central Fitness' and will provide an invaluable on-site fitness facility for students and staff.

Officially opened by Julian Tagg, Vice Chairman and CEO of Exeter City FC, the gym which underwent a £1 million refurbishment features a range of cardiovascular equipment, toning zone and free weights area in addition to a purpose built spinning room.

central fitness gym

Julian, who was a student at Exeter College and later as one of the sports lecturers, praised the college's developments: '”I am very grateful for what the college did for me as a student and I am delighted to still be connected, and in a small way, to be part of this new facility. Given these outstanding new facilities and the totally professional and dedicated staff I can only imagine the further success that can be achieved. “

“This establishment is providing opportunity and success in bucket loads on a daily basis, the proof being the recent dynamic spot check inspection by Ofsted, but if you really want to know how good the college is, don't ask the staff, the Governors or the management, ask any student.”

Primarily utilised by learners studying sport, fitness and exercise programmes, the new gym will also prove a popular facility for students across the college keen to improve their fitness levels. It is a significant asset for the expanding range of enrichment and extra-curricular activities on offer that supplement students' academic and training programmes.

Additionally, 'Central Fitness' will host a variety of part time courses on offer to the general public responding to increasing demand for Spinning, Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer programmes.

Head of Faculty for Sport, Leisure and Tourism, Peter Chapman is thrilled with the new gym: '”We're delighted with the new facilities and equipment on offer at 'Central Fitness'. This investment complements the staff resources and commitment we are putting into our sports provision at Exeter College. We are already enjoying some fantastic local, regional and national results particularly in our football, rugby and netball performances. Our students will now benefit further by being able to train in their own dedicated gym, in a facility that meets industry standards.”

Guests at the opening were greeted by Travel and Tourism students from the Faculty before being given demonstrations of the equipment by current Sport and Fitness students. Hospitality was enjoyed from the college's own Michael Caines Academy students. Amongst the VIPs at the event was Tom Cross, a current Foundation Art student, whose logo design was chosen for 'Central Fitness'.