STUDENTS at Exeter College will be given a taste of what it’s like in the cut and thrust world of business this week, as it celebrates Global Entrepreneurship Week (November 15 to 21).

As well as being challenging and informative, the activities – which are being organised, run and funded by the YESS Programme and are open to all 14-19-year-olds and not just those studying at the College – are intended to be fun. And this year’s programme certainly promises to be both enjoyable and enlightening for all concerned.

Beginning the week-long celebrations today, the School Roadshow will be encouraging students to think outside the box through the Business Ideas From A Banana project.

On Tuesday, Deborah Meaden and Co will have to move aside and make way for a new set of Dragons, as teams of students pitch their ideas towards a panel made up of College staff and local business representatives Dragon’s Den style.

The Power of A Woman In Business is the subject matter for the Live Debate, taking place at the College on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, on Thursday, there will be an opportunity to look at Social Enterprise and the chance to start a real business and help make a difference to others’ qualities of life at the same time.

Finally, wrapping up the week’s activities on Friday, it will be Home Enterprise Day when students will been shown how to run a business from their own house.

Jenny Lyons, Head of Business and IT at Exeter College, says: “At Exeter College, we pride ourselves in preparing young adults for employment as well as university. These enterprise events have been set up in direct response to feedback from employers who want to ensure future employees are equipped with the skills to be productive in the workplace.

“In a more competitive job market, it is essential that students do all that they can to stand out from the crowd and develop desirable business skills from a young age.

“The staff and students in the Business and IT Faculty are excited about celebrating Enterprise Week as it is an opportunity to showcase our talent and to share ideas with students who are not necessarily studying Business.”

She adds: “Business and entrepreneurship skills are relevant in all industries and this is our chance to inspire others to realise the relevance and importance of developing such skills.”