Students break out for Make a Wish

Over 50 dedicated students set off for destinations across Exeter, the south west and further afield raising funds for Make-A-Wish Foundation® UK during the Exeter College Jailbreak 2013 this week.

Contestants dressed as animals, superheroes, film characters and fairies were all trying to travel as far away from the college as possible without spending a penny of their own money. Organised into registered teams and armed with collection buckets, the students from across the college were keen to beat last year's record destination of London.

“Each year the students choose a charity that we support throughout the year”, said Sarah Davies, Learner Engagement Officer for the college, “and the Jailbreak is just one of the ways the students raise awareness and money. This year they've chosen Make-A-Wish and we're delighted that they've raised over £700 from the Jailbreak event, which will help support the charity that grants wishes to children and young people aged between 3 and 17 fighting life-threatening conditions.”

Jailbreak Winners
Many of the groups had spent hours planning their routes and costumes which were designed to create an impact in the city encouraging visitors and shoppers to fill the students' collections boxes. All the students had gained sponsorship from family, friends and classmates for the worthwhile cause.

Setting off at 9.30am many of the students headed for the train and bus network – all of whom had been prewarned of the charity event. The winning team was a group of students from the catering department at the college who reached Worcester before heading home with over £90 in donations from the day and over £200 sponsorship money.

Wishing the students well as they set off, Josie Taylor from Make-A-Wish said: “We are thrilled that Exeter College have chosen to support us this year by taking part in events such as the annual Jailbreak. Each year more and more children are turning to us to have their magical wish granted. This year we hope to grant over 1,000 wishes, so their support really is invaluable.”

Peace Tree
Dressed in Hawaiian outfits to counter the grey October skies Sydney Atifeh, Jess Roberts, Elena Howes, Will McCaughan and Jack Chamen set off from the college saying “It's going to be freezing but it's for charity so will be for a good cause.” Joining them was A group of students from the college's Health and Social care course dressed as fairies with Tiffany Laveridge, Lauren Smith, Leah Broad and Tuesday Street – all students from the college's health and social care course who, dressed as fairies were hoping to raise a lot of money from their journey “We're planning to go down country – everyone else is planning to go up-country. We're doing this since one of our friends did it last year and said it was great fun and we really feel the charity relates to our course so it's important to us.”

And while some students were heading off to all points north, south, west and east other student representatives were focusing on their cooking skills with Bake-a-Wish cake stalls across the college raising nearly £100 to support their colleagues on the Jailbreak.