“RUN a mile on one of our cookies” was the slogan that city students used to do their bit for Sports Relief last week.
The Exeter College students managed to raise £100 for the charity, collecting donations for their cookies in the Guildhall Shopping Centre after spending the morning baking them.
The students are part of the College’s Learn To Work programme, which engages Year 10 and 11 school pupils who need an alternative option to the National Curriculum.
Beforehand, they had written a letter to Sainsbury’s asking for help with the ingredients, which resulted in the supermarket donating everything they needed on the day.
Tutor Rob Harding said: “The group wanted to do something to raise money for Sports Relief and looked at different ways of doing this. They decided they could raise more money by running a baking sale than trying to get sponsorship to take part in a run.
“I’m really proud of them because they worked so hard in the morning to bake all the cookies, and then they spent the rest of the day behind a stall in the Guildhall collecting the money.”
He added: “They got a lot out of it too. Initially, they were a bit wary of the selling part, but by the end of the day they had become much more confident and the people they spoke to were really generous. What they did also fits in well with their qualification, part of which requires them to show they can promote and sell a product.”
All the money donated has gone straight to Sports Relief.