Star students shine at college’s annual awards ceremony

With the New Year just started, some of last year's greatest success stories were being celebrated in style at the Exeter College Student Awards 2010- 2011 event held at the Thistle Hotel last week.

The real stars of the evening were the 27 award winners whose high achievements were honoured in the presence of their families, VIP guests, including community and business leaders from across Exeter and Devon, and College management and staff.

The award categories spanned across the College's broad curriculum, ranging from Higher Education, Adult Community Education, 14-16 Student, Apprentice of the Year to Sports Academy Student of the Year, and many more.

Academic successes included Sharena Sivlal from Clyst Vale who amassed distinctions in her Business National Diploma as well as taking on the role as President of the Young Chamber of Commerce at the college. Now studying Business at Aston University, Sharena, the Business and IT Student of the Year, was described by tutors as “truly inspirational and an excellent role model for young women”.
Claudia Treacher, English and Languages Student of the Year, not only gained 100 marks out of 100 for her Extended Project but also her A* grade for English Literature was just one mark off full mark in the summer exams. The ex-St Lukes student, now at University of Sussex, was described as the best example of an independent learner who has used the skills learned at college to the make the transition to university.
Another ex- Clyst Vale student award winner was Ariadne Lyroudia who, as International Baccalaureate Award winner, was described as a dedicated, organised and friendly student who achieved real academic excellence – an astounding 44 points out of 45 in the world-renowned qualification putting her in the top 1% in the world.

Completing her course with highest honours, the Construction Student of the Year Mellissa Sparkes, was described by tutors as “an outstanding ambassador for the industry” also promoting female entry into the industry. Since starting at the college as part of her 14 – 16 course at Isca College of Media and Arts, she has now progressed from National Diploma through to her Higher National Certificate whilst successfully gaining a job as trainee quantity surveyor with Mansell working on a number of projects including the college's own building project at Monkerton.

Just starting his career in construction is West Exe Technology student Sam Passmore, who as 14-16 Practical Learning Student of the Year has now swapped full time education for an apprenticeship in carpentry continuing his training with the college following his “consistent flair for all aspects of his course”.

Being an expert in their field was also celebrated with local students Tom Cross and Ben Lee from St Lukes and St Peters. Tom, Art and Design Student of the Year, was rewarded for his exceptional graphics work above and beyond that needed to meet the course criteria whilst Ben, won the highly competitive Music Academy Award for his wide range of accomplished instrumental repertoire. He gained all distinction grades in the Extended Diploma in Music Performance and he is described as having all the qualities that underpin the ethos of the Music Academy – outstanding musicianship, an unassuming nature and generous sharing of his skills.

Sheer determination and commitment was also recognized at the annual ceremony with many positive and personal stories of students' achievements against a number of challenges.

Richard Hooper from St Thomas area, now one of the valued security team at the college, was awarded the Adult Community Education and Employability award for his determination to get a new job role through reskilling through the JobCentre Plus programme at the college. “Richard is a genuine success story of training and determination to get a new job role” says his tutor.

Seb Cullen's progress as the Foundation Studies Student of the Year was described as exemplary with his 100% attendance and sheer hard work on the Fast Track GCSE programme rewarding the ex-St Peter's student with the grades to continue with his AS levels.

John Bargent, from St James, was honoured as Sports Academy Student of the Year. He had “phenomenal leadership skills and determination” despite his own rugby training being hampered by illness, and he was described by tutors as being a complete role model for the whole academy. Now at Nottingham University John noted that the Sports Academy and his A levels went well together.

Kelly Roberts, originally from West Exe College, is now on a Foundation Degree course at the college having proved to herself and her tutors she could overcome a lack of confidence as she won the Access to Higher Education Award. On receiving the Award Kelly noted “I feel I'm providing a positive role model in terms of education and what can be achieved with determination and hard work to my three children.”

And proving that she hadn't let herself down was Gina Perry, from St James area who was awarded the Skills for Life Student of the Year Award for her courage as an adult to come back to learning, enrolling on Move on Literacy course and learning to read and write which she says herself has transformed her life.

Presenting the awards to all the winners, Richard Atkins, Principal of Exeter College said “This Annual Student Awards Ceremony is the culmination of a highly successful year and we are acknowledging particularly those students who have achieved excellence in their studies, persevered under difficult situations and have contributed positively to their colleagues, faculty and the community.”

“We are particularly proud of the college's role in the community, reflected also in the wide range of sponsors joining us tonight. We are also celebrating a year in which we had the highest number of university-level students graduating from our range of Foundation degrees and higher education courses and we were delighted that one of our university partners, Professor Sir Steve Smith, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Exeter was our Guest of Honour.”

The sponsors joining the college at the glittering evening were: aBode Exeter, Devon County Council, Exeter Chamber of Commerce, Exeter City Council, Exeter City Football Club, Express and Echo, Jones Lang LaSalle, Foot Anstey, Mansell, the Met Office and Stagecoach South West.