3rd June 2010

AS WE finally catch our first glimpse of a long-awaited British Summer, Autumn may still seem a long way off. Yet adults are already enquiring about the range of new courses on offer to 19 + students from next term at Exeter College.

Ayurvedic Cooking, Wine Tasting, Criminal Psychology and Family History are just a few of the vast array of adult learning courses which the College will run on campus and across the city from September – the choice is huge!

To help would-be adult students pick the right course, the College is holding an Adult Learning Fair on its Exeter Hele Road campus on Monday, June 7, between 5pm and 8pm. There, visitors will have the chance to meet tutors, find out more about study options, and take part in free taster workshops in a variety of subject areas.

Stephanie Darrie, Deputy Head of Student Experience at Exeter College, says: “People have been approaching us for months now enquiring about what will be on offer to adults from September, and there really is something for everyone.

“There are literally hundreds of courses on offer from next term, ranging from vocational to leisure, and from basic numeracy and literacy courses, to GCSEs, Steps to A levels and NVQs and Higher Education qualifications.”

She continues: “It might be that someone is wanting to retrain in order to secure the career they’ve always dreamed of. Or perhaps they wish to further qualify for that much sought-after promotion, or secure the skills and experience needed to work in their chosen industry through an apprenticeship.

“For some, adult learning gives them a chance to gain the education which they perhaps feel they missed out on during their school years. For others, it can simply be something they wish to undertake for sheer enjoyment, while at the same time adding an additional string to their bow.”

On the night, there will be a diverse range of stands representing each of the faculties. Whether it is Art and Design, Hospitality, Hair and Beauty, Business Solutions or Sport and Leisure you are interested in, staff from the College will be at hand from these and other departments to answer questions.

Visitors will also be able to pick up a copy of the new Adult Learning Guide – to be launched on the night – and even enrol on the spot should they wish to.

Free workshops will be held too, in Stained Glass, French for Beginners, Guitar and Ukulele, Understanding Personality Styles, Map and Compass, and Digital Imaging – not forgetting the Maths and English Challenge promoting free courses in basic numeracy and literacy.

Additional advice will be available from a team of experts from the College and Nextstep for those needing further direction in relation to course choices, prospective career changes and funding queries, and the College’s Higher Education team will also be present.

Stephanie says that as adults with busy lives it is easy to put off further studies even when we are keen to pursue them, and recommends adapting a ‘no more excuses’ approach.

She adds: “Whether you’d like to train to become a teacher, read law, or learn cake decoration, we have so many adult learning courses on offer. Even if you are unsure about what you want to do next, it is definitely worth coming along to find out what is on offer.”