Prince’s trust launches in Exmouth

The first group of Prince's Trust students are celebrating a brighter future after completing a nationally-recognised programme in Exmouth. Exeter College has opened a new dedicated centre on Exeter Road to deliver the 12-week Prince's Trust Team programme, which helps unemployed young people gain the skills and confidence to get into work or training.

The first cohort – Prince's Trust Team 1 – completed their course last week and took the opportunity to present their experiences to family and friends as well as Exeter College Principal, Richard Atkins, College Governors, Exmouth Lord Mayor Cllr Sandy Sutton and Head of Programmes at The Prince's Trust, Malcolm Cowper.

As part of the course, the students have taken part in a residential team building trip, work experience, mock interviews and a community project, providing them with the confidence and focus to apply for jobs or return to study. Student Robbie Boddy, 17, from Exmouth, has already secured a job in the town following his work experience placement. “The course has put me on a positive line, helped my confidence and gained me a job. I would recommend this course to anyone, it's just a shame it's over!”

The students were awarded their Prince's Trust certificates as part of the presentation when each student outlined their own reasons for joining the programme and what they had achieved. Sam Wellsman, 19, from Topsham, recommends the course to others: “The Exmouth Centre has changed my life, given me confidence and pushed me in the right direction and I've met a good group of friends whilst doing it.”

Malcolm Cowper, Head of Programmes at The Prince's Trust, attended the event to officially launch the Exeter College programme in Exmouth and praised the new opportunity for local young people: “The Exmouth Centre is a great venue with a good central location, providing opportunities for Exmouth people and providing a further base for The Prince's Trust – thank you to Exeter College!”

Also celebrating the students' achievements was Kate Lemaux, a Legal Adviser for the Ministry of Justice. Kate chose to work with The Prince's Trust to gain a greater understanding of opportunities available to support young people in the area. Describing her experience as “unique” she said “I would encourage anyone to take up the chance to work with The Prince's Trust. The value it adds to these young peoples' lives, and the steps towards making their future a more optimistic reality are such a huge benefit to them.”

Youth charity The Prince's Trust helps change young lives. It works with 13-to 30-year-olds who have struggled at school, have been in care, are long-term unemployed or have been in trouble with the law. Last year, more than three in four young people helped by The Prince's Trust moved into work, education or training. Those interested in joining The Prince's Trust course in Exmouth or Exeter can contact Exeter College on 0845 111 6000.