Preparing for the World of Work

At Exeter College opportunities to experience the world of work are a key part of every student’s programme of study. 

Practical work experience can help to develop your skills and knowledge of a subject or sector and is a great introduction to the world of work.  

Work Experience Placements

Work experience is an invaluable part of a learner’s study programme. At Exeter College all vocational and technical learners undertake up to one week of work experience which can be spread across the academic year or take place in one block period. The work placement will be within a business to allow learners to develop an understanding of a job role and of the working environment. In some cases a placement will require a preliminary interview with the business.  

Finding a work experience placement

T Levels Industry Placement 

T Levels are technical-based qualifications made up of approximately 80% of time spent in the classroom and 20% spent on an industry placement in a relevant workplace (a minimum of 315 hours).*

T Levels are particularly suited to learners who wish to pursue academic study but also want an element of industry experience.  

*This differs from an Apprenticeship where around 80% of time is spent with an employer and 20% in the classroom.   

Each faculty area has an Industry Placement Liaison Officer responsible for coordinating industry placements and for supporting students with their work experience.

Contact us about industry placements


Employer Encounters

In addition to their course and tutorial time, all full time students will have the opportunity to join in a wide range of extra-curricular activities we call EXtra and this will include at least one employer encounter or some form of work experience.

To this end we work alongside our many employer partners to ensure our learners have access to: 

  • Industry insights talks 
  • Short work experience opportunities ranging from a day to a week 
  • Employer-led competitions 
  • Volunteering posts 
  • Workshops and masterclasses delivered by employers  
  • Support with CV writing and interview simulations 
  • Real world projects set by employers  
  • Visits to a workplace  

Students benefitting from a Women in Law event with employer representatives from a range of legal firms.

Benefit to All

There are many benefits of undertaking work experience for both students and employers. Here are just a few of them. 

Get in touch

To contact us about supporting a learner with their work experience please email Or, if you want to communicate with one of our Industry Placement Team directly, select the relevant sector area below for further details. Our Careers Lead at Exeter College is Sarah Stevenson. She can be contacted on




Engineering, Automotive, Aerospace

Healthcare, Childcare and Public Services

Hospitality, Hair and Beauty

Media and Performing Arts