Online Learning for Exeter College Students
UPDATE: We are currently planning to resume face-to-face teaching at Exeter College in the week commencing 8 March 2021. We will be communicating with all our students and stakeholders with the details of that plan by Monday 1 March 2021 and will publish further guidance on our website. We are also looking at the latest news on qualifications and grading and will be in contact soon.
Learning is currently online for the majority of Exeter College students, including higher education students, Apprentices and adult learners. If you are a student with us, you should have received an email from us with details about your ongoing learning.
On-site learning space will continue to be available at Exeter College for those children of key workers, as well as vulnerable learners. Any learner wishing to request access to on-site support should email cv19support@exe-coll.ac.uk. Please do not travel into College without confirmation from our support team that you can attend as we will need to offer you a COVID-19 lateral flow test first.
For the majority of students, learning will resume online as per their academic timetable, with a blend of live interactive seminars, guided study sessions and teacher-set learning activities. Apprentices will also be expected to continue their timetabled sessions online and should continue to follow the current Government guidance with regards to workplace practice and working from home.
Adult learners and higher education students will also be given online tuition, as per their timetable.
Learners who need support with IT Tech or internet access to home, please contact CV19AccessIT@exe-coll.ac.uk, as we may be able to provide assistance.
All learners should check their College email regularly for the latest updates and contact their tutor with any immediate concerns regarding ongoing learning. In addition, our Student Experience Department is still available for any wellbeing or ongoing concerns, and will continue to provide support through the Student Hub and via their email on studentexperience@exe-coll.ac.uk.
The Exeter College Nurseries are open as usual.
Password Reset
If you are experiencing technical difficulties or need to reset your password, please ring 01392 400700 and a member of staff will be able to assist you, or check the Password Reset page on our website.