STAFF at Exeter College’s recently-opened new nursery have good reason to celebrate, having received a glowing report from Ofsted.

Examining the overall effectiveness of its early years provision, for children aged from birth to five years, the quality of its provision was described as Grade 1 ‘Outstanding’ in all areas.

The report went on to state: “All aspects of the Early Years Foundation Stage have been implemented in an exemplary way across all age groups within the nursery.

“Babies’ and children’s individual needs are met exceptionally well due to the effective grouping, dedicated, well-qualified staff, and excellent organisation, leadership and management.

“Inclusive practice is paramount in everything they do,” it continued, “with a commitment to working in partnership to ensure children are very well-supported.”

Other highlights included praise for safeguarding, with staff being described as “extremely vigilant about safeguarding issues’, secure premises and security procedures, promotion of equality and diversity, healthy eating, hygiene and the general nursery environment.

Further observations included the following:
• “The organisation of the nursery is exemplary”
• “A highly stimulating and welcoming environment promotes children’s learning across all areas and for all ages.”
• “…excellent management with a commitment to driving improvement and outcomes for children”
• “…excellent [staff] communication at all levels”
• “…wonderful resources and activities”
• “Children show a strong sense of security and feel safe in the setting.”
• “Babies and children are extremely happy, settled and engaged with their peers and staff.”

The original Exeter College Day Nursery opened in 1989. It moved to its current, purpose-built premises, which are on campus close to the Centre for Creative Industries (CCI), off Queen Street in Exeter, last year.

In addition to its provisions for the staff who work there, the new nursery houses three main classrooms for different age groups, a milk kitchen, toilet and changing facilities. Outside features include an enclosed garden and outside play area, and the nursery even has its own full-time cook.

Sarah O’Shea, Head of Safety, Tutoring, Equality and Well-being (STEW) at Exeter College, said: “We are all so pleased to hear that Exeter College Day Nursery, which provides for children in their early years of students and members of staff, has received such an excellent report from its recent Ofsted inspection.

“To be rated as outstanding in any category is an achievement, but to be rated as outstanding in all seventeen categories is fantastic news and a huge credit to the staff and management who run it.”

Speaking on behalf of herself and her staff, Nursery Manager Di Eveley added: “We are absolutely delighted with the good news about the Ofsted report. To be given ‘Outstanding’ accreditation in not one but all areas is testament to all the staff who work here to ensure that it is such a pleasant environment for the children, parents and guardians who use it. It is their enthusiasm and dedication on a daily basis which makes it so successful, and we will continue to build on this in future.”