Key City Players Join Forces For First Time To Create a Better Exeter
Exeter City Futures have reached a significant milestone on their journey to creating a more healthy, inclusive and sustainable City of Exeter as they announced that the Exeter College, the University of Exeter and Devon County Council have confirmed membership of its Community Interest Company (CIC) board alongside Exeter City Council and Global City Futures.
This is an incredibly important step forward for collaboration across Exeter and the wider region, as this is the first time key organisations in the City have joined forces and committed to working together as a collaborative city in tackling Exeter City Futures 12 transformational goals. The goals include: Reducing the Dominance of Cars, Half of all journeys walked or cycled, Reliable Journeys and Resilient Roads and Clean Air for Exeter.
“We are thrilled to have some of the biggest employers in Exeter join us on this journey and become a member of the Exeter City Futures CIC. We believe it is crucial that the heads of these key Exeter organisations come together in this formal way to demonstrate a city-wide commitment to creating a better Exeter.” – Liz O’Driscoll, Programme Director, Exeter City Futures.
“Although global in outlook, the University of Exeter is rooted in place. We are delighted to be part of Exeter City Futures and the opportunity that this provides for our community to work towards a shared vision of a vibrant and successful city.” – Chris Evans, Assistant Director (Regional Impact & Innovation), University of Exeter
“The work of ECF CIC has had a major impact on how we talk about the City Region and this has now been captured in the Exeter Industrial Strategy and the City 2040 Vision. ECF CIC has acted as a disrupter that has challenged how the City thinks and has driven a stronger, bolder vision. We are now preparing the ground for major policy shifts, a strong approach to innovation, and whole system change. ECF is an illustration of how a public private partnership can achieve success” – Karime Hassan, Chief Executive & Growth Director, Exeter City Council
“Exeter College fully supports the Exeter City Futures programme and commit to collaborating with partners across the city to realise the ambitions for an even greater Exeter. I look forward to working with the rest of the board and Exeter City Futures to develop collaborative solutions enabling inclusive growth and a thriving, healthy city for everyone” – Rob Bosworth, Vice Principal, Exeter College
“Devon County Council are delighted to be involved in this partnership, as it brings together organisations who can influence behaviour change on a city-wide level. We recognise that there are challenges ahead to support Exeter’s continued economic growth, while also promoting healthy, active lifestyles for its citizens. – Jamie Hulland, Transportation Strategy & Road Safety Manager, Devon County Council
‘Global City Futures are delighted to be working with so many local and like-minded businesses whose collective purpose in supporting social and environmental standards are palpable. As a team, we are excited to work towards a more healthy, inclusive and sustainable City of Exeter.’ Glenn Woodcock, Chief Executive, Global City Futures.
The new CIC board will be working closely with Exeter City Futures Programme Director, Liz O’Driscoll to create a plan to deliver ECF’s 12 Goals that takes into account the current projects happening around the City, and the barriers we need to overcome.
The challenges that the City of Exeter face will require a significant level of change in the way it operates, to promote sustainable growth and foster innovative solutions to the challenges Exeter faces as one of the fastest growing cities in the UK. It will require input from the whole city: Local authority, businesses, education institutions, community groups and individuals.
The newly expanded Exeter City Futures CIC Board will ensure that long-term capability is built within the City to ensure that it continues to benefit the community rather than private shareholders. The CIC Board will agree the programme delivery plan and strategic objectives, prepared by the Exeter City Futures Programme Lead and will agree metrics which will be used to judge the impact, progress and performance of Exeter City Futures going forward.