Exeter College to offer new Creative Apprenticeships in Technical Theatre to the region

Friday, June 16, 2010

THE REGION’S arts, theatre and entertainment sector is to be given a much-needed boost with the help of a new training provision, it has emerged today.

From September, Exeter College is to offer the new Creative Apprenticeship in Technical Theatre to students across the South West.

Apprentices now have the chance to study for formal qualifications to support their career choice at the College’s Centre for Creative Industries (CCI), while gaining hands-on practical experience working for an employer.

The new course can be completed in 15 months, or sooner depending on an applicant’s previous experience, and offers training in a diverse range of subjects invaluable to anyone working in a theatre, arts centre, or other entertainment venues.

Judy Lye-Forster, Head of the Faculty of Media and Performing Arts at Exeter College, says the decision to offer the EDI Creative Apprenticeship in Technical Theatre at Level 2 and 3 to young people aged 16 upwards was made in response to demand.

“We’re delighted that we are going to be able to offer this apprenticeship,” she continues. “There are certain areas of the performing arts and theatre industries that lend themselves to on-the-job training. Technical theatre is one of these, which is where a Creative Apprenticeship comes into its own.

“An awful lot of people go into this kind of work through working voluntarily at a theatre as casual labour, gradually building up a reputation until they are given a job. But this can take a number of years, during which time they may be giving up a lot of their free time, on low pay, with low job security, and no qualifications.

“The advantage for apprentices is that they are employed while learning, so they are being paid as they gain a recognised qualification and the practical experience and networking opportunities needed to become known within the industry.

“At the same time, they can build up a relationship with their employer which will hopefully lead to either permanent employment upon completion of their apprenticeship, or allow them to leave with a good reference when they move on elsewhere.”

While the news of this new Creative Apprenticeship opportunity will undoubtedly be welcomed by students across the region, it will also offer the many theatres, art centres and other live performance venues across Devon, Dorset and Somerset an exciting opportunity to get involved in bringing new blood into the industry – particularly as they may be eligible for financial incentives currently on offer.

The deal is simple: the apprentice attends their College course on day release to hone their skills through studying in their chosen field; the rest of the week, they apply their knowledge practically while working for the employer who has agreed to take them on.

Judy says: “At all levels, from the West End theatres to smaller regional venues, there is a real shortage of individuals with the skills and experience required to work in this particular area of the industry. While many have qualifications gained at colleges or universities and are quite knowledgeable about the subject, they may lack practical experience.

“Taking on an apprentice can be hugely beneficial to an employer,” she continues. “In addition to any financial incentives which may be available to help fund initial outlay costs, they will be gaining a young and enthusiastic employee who will be working with them the majority of the week and gaining a qualification at the same time.

“While they will be able to learn best practice from the existing workforce, through their College studies, they could also prove to be a breath of fresh air to a business by bringing in ideas of their own.”

Exeter College offers a large range of apprenticeships across the following sectors: Automotive and Engineering, Business and IT, Construction, Hairdressing, Health, Social Care and Childcare, Hospitality and Catering, and Technical Theatre. For further information, call the Apprenticeship Hotline on 01392 205595.