Exeter College students trek across Dartmoor in Ten Tors challenge

Exeter College teams successfully crossed the finishing line after trekking across Dartmoor in this year's Ten Tors challenge.

The event saw teams from Exeter College take part in the 45 mile and 55 mile event held between 7th and 8th May. The walk is a challenge of team work, endurance, navigation and camp craft and sees teenagers survive for two days completely unaided.

All the College teams, including Jubilee Challenge groups, came across their respective finishing lines as whole teams.

The successful Jubilee Challenge Team (left to right) Antonia, Callum, Scott, Max, Kieran, Ian and PaulAnd one of the College teams taking part in the Jubilee Challenge, called JC3, set this year's fastest time around their 11.5 mile route.

Programme Leaders Tom Howe and Nick Couzens praised the students for their achievements in completing the Ten Tors challenge.

Programme Leader Tom Howe said: “We are immensely proud of the students' achievements this year. They have been an absolute pleasure to train and have completed something incredibly special that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.”

Emma Fielding, Assistant Principal, said: “This is a really tremendous achievement by our students and their success wouldn't have been possible without the encouragement and dedication of the fantastic team of staff who supported them every step of the way.”

The successful Jubilee Challenge Team (left to right) Antonia, Callum, Scott, Max, Kieran, Ian and PaulThe Ten Tors event is organised by the Army and assisted by the Royal Navy, the Royal Air Force and the Dartmoor Rescue Group.

Top Picture: 45 mile Team successfully crossing the finish (left to right) Team Captain Fergal, Deanos, Emily, Rory, Tessa and Ben.

Middle Picture: 45 mile Team receiving their medals (left to right) Deanos, Tessa, Rory, Ben, Emily and Team Captain Fergal.

Bottom Picture: The successful Jubilee Challenge Team (left to right) Antonia, Callum, Scott, Max, Kieran, Ian and Paul.