Exeter College raises over £9,500 for ELF

To celebrate Exeter College’s 40th year, Exeter Leukaemia Fund was chosen as their charity partner for 2010/11. Over the 12 month period many activities to raise money and awareness of the charity took place which resulted in a staggering £9,622 being raised.

Starting with the Freshers’ Fair momentum quickly grew with students and staff organising a wide cross section of fundraising events and talks by the ELF staff about the charity. The events included the annual Festival of Carols, Jailbreak, bucket collections, running in the Great West Run and skydiving to mention but a few.

Dale Edwards, CEO ELF said “Working in partnership with the students and college has been fantastic, we thought that we could raise £5,000 over the year but to raise over £9500 is truly remarkable. It has also been great to be approached by so many students at our events who recognise us as their Charity of the Year. A big thank you to all those who helped make the year
such an enjoyable success.”

“It’s amazing that even in these hard times students and staff have managed to raise an unbelievable amount of money.” commented Sebastian Turner, Student Liaison Officer. “I feel that everyone has really made a connection with our Charity of the Year and has made a great effort to raise money for ELF and I would like to thank them all.”