Exeter College is supporting Love our Colleges
The main thrust of the ‘love our colleges’ campaign is to highlight the funding challenges for all post 16 provision, that is now impacting on colleges and school sixth forms.
We are the only OECD country that funds its post 16 provision at a lower rate than its pre 16 provision. In short, GCSE Geography is part of a larger funding package in a school environment pre 16, than studying advanced level subjects or technical subjects in a college or school sixth form, post 16.
In addition, the Institution for Fiscal Studies says that post 16 education has been the phase of education that has been hardest hit by the period of austerity.
Today, funding for students drops by 24% at the age of 16, this gap applies equally to school sixth forms and colleges.
John Laramy, Exeter College Principal and Chief Executive, said:
“At Exeter College, we have been able to buck many of the National trends and despite having to deal with a funding reduction each year, since 2008, our students and apprentices have excelled.
However, for us, our aim is to level the playing field with private education so that our students have a broad curriculum and can access a wide range of support services and extra-curricular activities – it is these services that are now starting to be impacted by the ongoing and illogical funding reductions.
As a country we have a productivity problem, we are also the only OECD country that invests less in technical post 16 education than our international competitors – for me the equation is simple:
Invest the same in post 16 education as all other developed nations + great colleges + a broad curriculum = Increased productivity.
I really hope you will feel able to support the ‘love our colleges’ campaign.”