Exeter College is Looking for Two New Student Governors
Are you a student at the college and interested in the future of the college and representing students’ voices at the highest level?
Then why not become a STUDENT GOVERNOR!
The College Senior Leadership Team and the Board of Governors make strategic decisions affecting the College. The Board includes external Governors, Staff Governors and two Student Governor roles;
- Higher Education Governor
- Further Education Governor
Current Further Education Governor, Kira Lewis said: “Being a Student Governor this year has been such a rewarding experience. We have an equal say and vote on the Board, and are able to be involved in all strategic discussions which is not common in most FE Colleges, so I really value that.
“We are also given the opportunity to attend College events, development programmes, residential weekends and more, which have all allowed me to understand the role better. Ultimately, it’s great for personal development, because there’s always something to learn! All that the College does impacts on our day-to-day life – and our futures – so having a say in that is how we make sure being here is as exceptional as it can be!”
Nominations are OPEN now and the deadline is FRIDAY 8th June 3pm.
Please contact megansnell@exe-coll.ac.uk should you have any questions about the roles or visit http://portal.exe-coll.ac.uk/departments/stew/Pages/StudentGovernors.aspx