Exeter College hosts first degree graduation ceremony at Cathedral

MORE than 100 students to have studied university-level courses at Exeter College will graduate this week in a historic ceremony at Exeter Cathedral.

The college is hosting its first graduation ceremony for its former students who have completed degree-level courses accredited by the University of Plymouth or the examination board Edexcel.

The graduates will take part in a procession and receive their certificates at Exeter Cathedral, on Friday, January 9, starting at 2pm.

Former BBC weather presenter, Penny Tranter, who is now Meteorology Training Manager at the Met Office, will be giving the key speech at the ceremony.

It will also be attended by more than 200 guests including city MP Ben Bradshaw and the Lord Mayor Councillor Paul Smith.

Exeter College’s Principal Richard Atkins said: “This is Exeter College’s first graduation ceremony celebrating the success and achievements of our many university-level students.

“We have been offering higher education programmes for many years, including professional qualifications and degree programmes in partnership with the Universities of Plymouth and Exeter and the University College Plymouth St Mark & St John but this is the first time we have had our own dedicated graduation ceremony.
“We’re delighted that the Cathedral has enabled us to hold this celebratory event in the very centre of our city.”