Exeter College did their bit for Children In Need

20th November 2009

Students from Exeter College did their bit for Children In Need today (Friday, November 20) by venturing out into the city in Pudsey Bear T-shirts they had designed themselves.

Pictured are one of three groups of first-year students from the College’s First Diploma in Health and Social Care and pupils from Isca School currently studying for their First Certificate in Health and Social Care at the College who together raised around £400 in total as they eagerly rattled collection buckets at would-be donors.

Health and Social Care lecturer Helen Brant said: “This year’s Children In Need theme was ‘Do Something Different’. The students from the different groups have room-raided with their buckets, made cakes, designed T-shirts, and held raffles.

“I’m extremely proud of them and of the money that they have raised. Today is all about their team-working skills and how the students have worked together to successfully see a project through from beginning to end. I’d also like to thank all the people who have given money to them for Children In Need for their generosity.”

Among those rallying up support from staff and students on the Hele Road campus was 16-year-old Sam Ford, of Exeter.
He said: “There are lots of children out there who are under-privileged, and doing something like this gives us a chance to help make their lives better and to give them the chance in life they deserve.”