Exeter College delivers management course to national property consultancy

28th April 2009

Exeter College has delivered a bespoke leadership and management course to 18 managers at a national property consultancy.

The managers at NPS South West’s three Devon offices were presented with an ILM (Institute of Leadership and Management) accredited certificate following successful completion of the management training course.

Amanda Brent, Director of Business Support for NPS South West, who worked with Exeter College to develop the programme, said: “Investing in training and developing staff is even more critical in times of economic difficulty and we have been pleased to work with Exeter College to deliver this course”.

Dan Meek, Senior Land Agent who is responsible for managing Devon County Council’s farm estate was one of the successful delegates. He said: “I have already implemented some management techniques learned, which has undoubtedly improved team efficiency and effectiveness.”

Diana Moyse, Exeter Business School Employer Engagement Manager, said: “The collaboration between NPS and ourselves has worked very well and the Development Award enabled us to develop high quality training that reflected the commercial business priorities of NPS”.