Exeter College delighted to be accredited as an Apple Authorised Training Centre for App Development
Exeter College is thrilled to be accredited as an Apple Authorised Training Centre for Education (AATCe) for App Development using the Swift platform.
As an AATCe facility this means the college is authorised by Apple to deliver Apple certification training classes to students using Exeter College’s Apple Credited Trainers in an academic environment.
Exeter College students aged 16-19, from a range of courses, will benefit from being able to study Apple’s iOS programming and app development as a module on their full time course and adult learners will also be able to develop their digital skills and qualify in a stand-alone short course in the college’s new Digital and Data centre.
John Laramy, Principal and Chief Executive of Exeter College said:
“As a college, our vision is to become an exceptional college, to do this it is essential that we give our students and our community access to the very latest curriculum. Especially in the fast-paced world of digital skills. Becoming an Apple Authorised Training Centre for Education (AATCe) is a critical step in realising this vision. Working with world-renowned organisations such as Apple is fundamental in giving our learners the edge in their applications to Higher Education and the competitive jobs market.”
Exeter College has been working with Academia, IT solutions and products supplier, to ensure the college has all the right Apple equipment set up to deliver the programme.
Mark McCormack, Academia’s Chief Commercial Officer said:
“Academia are delighted that Exeter College are now an Apple Authorised Training Centre for Education (AATCe). The college will deliver App Development with Swift courses and offer certifications to their students. This is fantastic and it will help young people advance their digital skills, which will assist them as they enter the workplace. Academia are very proud to work in partnership with Exeter College.”