Exeter College Apprenticeship Work Bucks the National Picture

Exeter College’s work with employers and apprentices has appeared in a damning report of the national picture by Ofsted but for all the right reasons.

The Ofsted report by Sir Michael Wilshaw, out this week, supported the Government’s commitment to deliver three million apprenticeships over the next five years but reported the worrying conclusion that apprenticeships had been devalued by some training providers not setting sufficient training targets that improves the apprentices’ capabilities and delivers professional-level skills in the areas most needed.

In what has been heralded as a very negative report, Exeter College is, however, showcased as an example of excellence with the city’s apprenticeship training and relationship with over 850 employers being viewed by Ofsted experts as evidence of a Grade 1 “outstanding provider”.

Welcoming the report that scrutinises this important area of work, John Laramy, vice principal at Exeter College, who appears in the good practice video that is being launched with the report said, “The three part partnership of apprentice, employer and the college is central to the success of our trainees. This means that the training they receive at college and the on the job work skills with their employer are designed to benefit the trainee but most importantly is industry standard so that the employer benefits. Employers know that, through our joint work, their trainee is accumulating and practicing skills that will enable them to quickly contribute as a valued member of the workforce.”

Richard Atkins, the College Principal said “We are proud of our outstanding track record of the achievements of our apprentices – as evidenced by the glowing references in this national report and our Grade 1 outstanding Ofsted report in 2014 – since apprenticeship success is a national priority. Each year our apprentice success rates are significantly above the national average – this year 14% above and our positive profile in this national report is very much down to the true partnerships we have with our committed employers – I wish to thank them for their work in supporting their trainees in the workplace.”

One such employer is Gregory’s Distribution “Our work with Exeter College’s Apprenticeship programme has been a real success,” said Paul Turner, head of human resources. “We have been able to recruit and train the next generation of our workforce by utilising this provision to the full. The support throughout the process has been top class and the added value the programmes provide in terms of new skills and training provides outstanding benefits to our business. This in turn allows Gregory’s to deliver exceptional support to our network of local and national customers. Good quality apprenticeship provision focusing in on employer needs is a fantastic benefit to our business. “

“We’re surprised by everything we hear about the poor value given to apprenticeship training in some areas of the country in the national report, since everything we hear from our own employers and apprentices supports the brilliant provision here” said John Laramy. “We hope that this national report will provide an opportunity for all providers to look at examples of good practice within apprenticeship training.”

The Ofsted report is available from the Ofsted site from Thursday October 22nd 2015