Exeter College Annual Art and Design Shows

Thursday May 24th 2012

Students from all over Devon anxiously awaited the opinions of their critics as they showcased their work at the Exeter College Annual Art and Design Shows at the college's Centre for Creative Industries in the centre of the city.

The initial public exhibition from 24th May – 31st May was the highlight of both the Foundation Diploma and Higher Education students' coursework and ranges from fine art, sculpture, graphics, textiles, photography and multi-media pieces.

The week long show at the Centre for Creative Industries was being celebrated with two private viewings for students, families, art directors and community and specialist organisations and employers representing the profile of the college within the local art community.

The students, who have studied the University of the Arts London one year Foundation Diploma, celebrated with a private viewing and Awards evening at the beginning of the public show that honoured particularly talented artists from this popular course.

Eleanor Tucker, 19 from Tiverton and originally from Maynard School was awarded the Student Award for her work on 3D material and is hoping to go on to study Fine Art at the University of Reading

Guests at the Exeter College annual art show

Danielle Austin, 19 from Moretonhampstead and originally from South Dartmoor Community College won the award for Lens Media and would like to work in the magazine industry.

Josephine Loveless, 19 originally from Dawlish Community College was awarded the Student Award for Fashion/Textiles and wants to study fashion at university said “I've really enjoyed the course here and the amount I've learnt”

Kayleigh Walter, 19 from West Exe was awarded the Student Award for Graphic Design and is soon to heading to Hereford to do a Graphic and Multi Media course. I've really enjoyed the range of people that I've worked with on the course.”

Rory Farwell, 18 from Axminster who originally went to Woodroffe School in Dorset won Student Award for Fine Art and is heading to Falmouth to do a drawing course. Commenting on his exhibition he said “I've enjoyed experimenting with the depiction of the urban landscape and for my final piece I based it on the cliffs around where I live and built my own landscape from my walks.”

Sophie Slater 20 from Exmouth won a special award for her contribution to the exhibition publicity designing all the posters and materials that supported the event and particularly for her professional attitude and sense of humour. “I've really enjoyed the course,” she said “and particularly the support from my peers. I'm looking forward to going on to Plymouth College of Art to do Graphics.”

Anne Oxborough, Assistant Principal welcomed the visitors to the launch adding “This is one of my favourite nights of the year and I am honoured and privileged to be amongst these talented students who I know will be making it big time. The awards tonight recognised not only outstanding achievement in the form of assessments throughout the year but how the students have contributed to team work, to student life and their attendance and commitment. Whilst we have many talented students these particular award winners are being recognised for the added extra they have committed to their course.”

Nigel Watts, head of the faculty of art and design concluded “The quality of such a wide range of art and design speaks for itself this evening. The Foundation Art course is incredibly successful and goes from strength to strength. This exhibition also reflects the amazing support of the teaching staff and support technicians throughout the year – a truly celebratory event.”

Whilst the Foundation Diploma students were celebrating one year at the college, the rest of the Centre for Creative Industries provided the backdrop for the combined talents of three of the College's Foundation Degree courses – Fine Art, Photography and Digital Arts and Graphic Communications – a culmination of between two and three year's dedicated work. On public view for the week, the talents of the college's higher education artists was celebrated at a post-show viewing which also showcased the close partnership Exeter College has with the awarding body for these courses, Plymouth University, who are celebrating their 150th anniversary this year and supporting the Higher Education Art Shows.

At this show Eleanor Duckworth won the award for Fine Art and Sarah Lewis the prize of Photography and Graphic Communications student of the year presented by David Coslett Pro Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts at Plymouth University. David noted that “This exhibition shows people following passions with real intelligence and care, perhaps returning to the arts after another career. The quality of the work in this exhibition is delightful”