Exams Preparation
Exams Preparation
We know that exam time can be stressful but there are lots of resources and support available to make things go as smoothly as possible and to ensure you have the best chance of exam success.
We have created the video linked on this page and the handy infographic featured here to help you with your exams preparation. Watch the video or take a screenshot of the infographic for a top tips quick reference whenever and wherever you need them.
You can also read on for more handy study and wellbeing tips. Best of luck from all of us at Exeter College!
“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”
― Zig Ziglar, author and motivational speaker
Before your exams
Keep yourself well – lots of sleep and healthy eating.
Get revising!
Reward yourself with hobbies or other positive goals.
Don’t forget to ask for help from teachers, family or friends if you need it or want it.
Plan ahead – check your exam timetable for times and locations well in advance.
On the day itself
Remember to write only in black ink.
Bring along any specialist equipment you need.
Know when and where your exam will be – get there early!
What happens next
Know that you’ve done your best and relax!
Contact us with any college-related questions.
Look out for your enrolment letter in early August.
More helpful exam resources
For more support, please click the following links: