Ex-FdA Photography student wins Student Sustainability Research Prize

This year our student Nicky Woods progressed to Plymouth for her third year and went on to win the Student Sustainability Research Prize. Now in its third year, the Student Sustainability Research Prize, awarded by the Sustainable Earth Institute, celebrates the exceptional research underway by students of Plymouth University, looking at creating a better future.

We spoke with Nicky about her award winning project, her time at Exeter College, and what she has planned for the future.

“In 2016, the United Kingdom voted to withdraw its membership with the European Union, bringing an unpredictable future for farmers and modern agricultural traditions. Whichever side of the fence you sit on, one thing is for certain: British farming is going to see a dramatic change. This project studies the day-to-day life of lamb and beef farmers on Dartmoor, a vast moorland situated in the heart of Devon. Famous for its more traditional methods of husbandry, 'To Pastures New' celebrates the devotion of the farmer to his livestock and landscape.”

“When making the decision on choosing where to do my degree, I decided to go to Exeter College as it appeared to have a very friendly, cooperative atmosphere, and I certainly wasn't disappointed. The smaller class sizes meant we had a lot of contact time from our lecturers who went above and beyond to make sure we were getting the best experience from our time on the course. With the city right on the doorstep, there were plenty of opportunities outside of the course that enriched my education. Even now that I have moved on from Exeter, the support is still there. I loved every moment on this course, and my experience at Exeter College is one I will never forget.”

“I worked as a self-employed photographer throughout my degree, and at present I am trying to develop this into my own business. I enjoy the variety that comes with each commission, and having the opportunity to travel around the country. In my spare time, I plan to keep working with rural and farming communities to document the changes in culture and traditions. I also have plans to improve my skills in alternative methods of photography and see where this may take me in the future.”

In her time here at Exeter School of Art Nicky was an exceptional student (in fact she was University Level Student of the Year!), creative, dedicated and hard-working, and it looks like nothing has changed! We wish Nicky all the best with her career ahead and hope to see her winning more prizes in the future!