Enrichment and the Student Representative Committee

At Exeter College we know that part of our student’s happiness depends on the activities that they get involved in out of the classroom. This is why we are committed to providing excellent enrichment opportunities. We also put our students feedback at the heart of what we do, hence our Learner Voice programme. You can read all about recent developments below, along with an update on money raised for the college charity of the year.

Student Representative Committee and the college charity

The Student Representative Committee (SRC) continues to work tirelessly to promote the voice of the students, through representation on the Board of Governors, SRC Team meetings, the Learner Voice and student clubs and groups such as the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) group.

Exeter College Students Raise Money for Teenage Cancer TrustIn addition, they are excellent ambassadors at various college events. They have run and been heavily involved with various national and college awareness events. These have included World Mental Health day and offering free healthy lunch choices and sustainable water bottles as part of Health and Wellbeing awareness throughout January. They have also organised their own student SRC Carol Service, hosted information, advice and guidance talks for (LGBT) history month, and have led fundraising for the college charity totalling over £12,000 for Teenage Cancer Trust last year.

The college charity this year is Devon Air Ambulance and so far we have raised a fantastic £6,838. Students across the college have been coming up with inventive fundraising schemes such as fairs, cake sales, spinning challenges, fancy dress, bake off competitions, as well as Christmas Jumper Day and the annual Festival of Carols.

The SRC will be working closely with the college over the next couple of months to put on a range of events and activities. Events will include a Health and Wellbeing Fair, the Jailbreak charity event, anti-bullying awareness and events and activities to help students build their emotional resilience.

Enrichment at Exeter College

Exeter College Student Trumpet Music EnrichmentThe cross college enrichment programme continues to develop with new projects being introduced. Enrichment gives students at Exeter College aged 16-19 the opportunity to test out new hobbies, get a skill or qualification and to make new friends. Enrichment enhances the core programme of learning at the college and helps students enjoy and achieve and make a positive contribution.

Exeter College Volunteers (ECV) is one of the enrichment activities offered, which supports students with finding local volunteering placements that are right for them, and supporting them throughout their placement. A range of volunteering placements are available with a host of organisations such as; charity shop work, soup kitchen, activity groups, after school clubs, and student ambassador roles.

We encourage students to record their successes and achievements while at college using their Student Record of Achievement. This document is accessed through the student’s eILP and includes data such as courses and qualifications and allows students to input information such as; employment history, volunteering hours, enrichment activities, successes, and work experience. Students can then use this information to write CV’s and applications.

Exeter College really listens to its students

The Learner Voice is a vital process for the college, as it provides students with an opportunity to discuss and generate ideas on teaching and learning, which will have a direct impact on quality improvement. John Laramy, Principal chaired the Learner Voice Conference in November which was attended by over 200 students from all faculties. Feedback encompassed all areas of the college, with comments including:

Teaching is outstanding”

The college is positive, supportive and welcoming”

Teachers are experienced in their fields”

The college is always kept clean”

Great support with progression advice”

Resources in college are brilliant”

The wide range of enrichment means there is something for everyone”

The following developments have been made in response to learner feedback:

  • Card payment option is being trialled at college cafes
  • More water fountains and free sustainable water bottles for students
  • A food survey has been developed for students to give specific feedback on food choices

Faculty issues are addressed through regular Faculty Learner Voice meetings and the college gains further feedback through student surveys, the student portal and the SRC.

To keep students updated, the SRC have also launched their fortnightly Student E-Bulletin which is now sent to over 6,500 students. This Student Bulletin gathers information from across the college to provide students with opportunities, advice and guidance. The Bulletin includes information such as; cross-college events, charity updates, bursary and travel information, tutoring updates, enrichment opportunities, Learner Voice feedback and responses, NUS student discount card offers, and progression and employability updates.