Dancers Due to Light Up the Festive Shopping Season

Christmas shoppers at Princesshay in Exeter will get the chance to be entertained and captivated by pop up dance performances designed to ‘light up’ the festive season on the 3rd December between 5pm and 6pm.

The group of dancers, all second year full time BTEC dance students from Exeter College, will be promenading with late night shoppers in an initiative with Princesshay designed to add a touch of Christmas Dance Wonder to late night shopping.

“The project has two aims” said Emma Wyke dance tutor for the group, “Firstly, this is a great way to work on an outdoor dance performance piece for their BTEC work, and the students have been physically exploring Princesshay spaces and locations, particularly where the Christmas lights will be positioned. Secondly we wanted to create an exciting and magical dance performance in the run-up to Christmas-something specifically for late-night shopping evenings, in order to entertain the shoppers and give them a creative break from all their purchases.”

And rather than the traditional festive costumes the students have been looking to magical themes and traditional storytelling for inspiration. “The third part of the project” continued Emma “is that this is a great opportunity for us to highlight our provision and show people the exacting standard of dance at Exeter College. We’re delighted that Princesshay are working with us again this year to promote this fun way to celebrate all that is magical in Christmas wonderland.”

The students will be performing between 5pm and 6pm on 3rd December around the Princesshay shopping area.

Wayne Pearce, Princesshay Centre Director comments, “We’re very pleased to welcome Exeter College students back to perform in Princesshay again this Christmas, showcasing their creativity and talents for shoppers to stop and enjoy.”