Constructive way to attract girls’ interest

From the Express and Echo 28/11/08

GIRLS have been given the building blocks for careers in construction at Exeter College.

The college’s construction training centre at Falcon House, Sowton, invited over 50 girls from secondary schools across Devon to find out more about careers in the building industry.

The Women in Construction Day allowed youngsters to take part in workshops on carpentry, brickwork and electrical installation.
Jointly organised with Devon Education Business Partnership, the event also gave the pupils a chance to chat to construction tutors and current college construction students.

Nick Thom, civil engineering and construction lecturer at Exeter College, said: “This fun day allowed female students to experience what it would be like to take a course in construction. If you never pick up a chisel or trowel you will never know if you are interested. The industry needs more women to work in what has always been a male-dominated vocation. The students experienced several trade areas and hopefully have been inspired enough to consider construction as an option for learning or employment.”