City schools and college celebrate partnership successes

HEADTEACHERS across the city are coming together to celebrate the successes of their schools and colleges and discuss plans for the future at a conference on Monday.

The second Exeter4Learning Summer Conference will showcase the partnership developments of secondary schools, Exeter College and the University of Exeter over the last year and strategic proposals for years to come.

It takes place at the Peter Chalk Centre, University of Exeter, on Monday, July 6, from 9.30am to 5.30pm.

The Exeter4Learning partnership is a partnership between Exeter College, the University of Exeter, the five secondary schools in the city and special schools.

It aims to raise the aspirations and ambitions of the city’s 14-19 year olds and to further improve levels of achievement at 16+ and 18+.

Delegates will hear the achievements of the partnership and how these can be taken to the next step.

One of the priorities of the partnership is to offer young people more subject choice and career options at both 14+ and 16+. For example, the new Creative and Media Diploma starting this year is aimed at young people wanting to study a broad range of arts while preparing for a potential career in the creative industries.

From next year, the partnership will offer a range of new Diplomas which students will take in schools and at Exeter College.

Local businesses will be working with the schools and college to provide working opportunities for the students.

At Monday’s conference, Steve Maddern, Head of West Exe Technology College, will lead a session on how businesses and governors contribute to the work of the partnership.

There will also be workshops hosted by each school and college on subjects such as creativity in language teaching, engaging families in health-related learning, promoting community cohesion, mobile learning for vocational subjects and personalising the curriculum.

The keynote address will be given by Neville Coles, headteacher of Priory Community School in Weston-super-Mare and a national finalist in the Teaching Awards in 2007.

Terry Hammond, chair of Exeter4Learning and Headteacher of St Luke’s Science and Sports College, said: “This conference demonstrates the learning opportunities created by schools, the college and university working together across Exeter.
“The late Professor Ted Wragg had the vision to create a learning community across the whole of Exeter, and today we are gaining fantastic support from Governors, local businesses and the wider community. We are proud to be part of this partnership enabling that vision to come together.”

Liz Hayes, Partnership Manager for Exeter4Learning, said: “The conference shows the strength of us working together and the exciting developments that are taking place across Exeter schools and Exeter College.”