Calling All Former Students!

Exeter College is seeking former students who can inspire and motivate the current generation to academic success, improve their career confidence and provide a valuable insight into the world of work.

The college is one of nearly 400 state schools and colleges across Britain which have registered with the education charity Future First to set up networks of former students or alumni whose talents they can harness to support today’s students.

Future First’s vision is that every state school or college should be supported by a thriving, engaged alumni community that helps it to do more for its students.

More than 100,000 former students across Britain have already signed up to stay connected with their old school. They’re inspiring young people in a number of ways; as career and education role models, mentors or e-mentors, work experience providers, governors or guest speakers.

The college is keen to contact former students who left recently for higher education or employment as well as those in established careers, alumni who live nearby and those who have moved away.

“More than 39 per cent of state school students don’t know anyone in a job they’d like to do,” said Alex Shapland-Howes, Managing Director of Future First. “If they see that someone who went to the same college, grew up in the same community, has achieved a fulfilling and satisfying job, it helps them see it’s possible for them too. It’s really important for all students to be motivated to succeed in the working world and hearing first hand from relatable people in interesting jobs can make a huge difference.”

Emily Packer, Progression and Employability Leader said: “We signed up to Future First’s network to give past Exeter College learners a chance to share their knowledge and experience of the labour market with our current students. We also care very much about responsible recruitment to our college and the Future First network can help prospective students gain insight into the many ways our young people have used their study to start inspiring careers. This network will be vital in helping us to broaden students’ horizons and equip them for the world of work. We also really hope that former students will benefit from these links, finding out more about their college and being able to contribute to the college community.”

Would you like to share your career journey? Former students can sign up to Future First’s alumni scheme via the website and clicking on the “Former Students” links.

For further information about Future First, visit , contact our Press Officer Sue Crabtree on, our Director of Operations Melanie Robinson on or call one of the team on 0207 239 8933.