Art student gets World Cup 2015 design opportunity

Article written by Exeter City Council

A lucky Exeter art student has won the opportunity of a lifetime – to design posters, adverts and a video to promote the three Rugby World Cup 2015 games being played at Sandy Park.

Robert Boyd, aged 19, of Newton Abbot had his designs picked by Exeter City Council ahead of others at Exeter College.

As part of the preparation for Exeter being a Host City for Rugby World Cup 2015, the City Council set a design brief for the students of Exeter College to design a poster to promote the three games being held in Exeter.

The students pitched their ideas to Victoria Hatfield, Economy & Tourism Manager for the City Council.

The Council was so impressed with the quality of Robert's work that they commissioned him to develop his submission further; to design a poster, adverts and video to promote the three games held at the ground.

Robert's designs will be launched in September to coincide with 1 year to go to the start of Ruby World Cup 2015 and the launch of ticket sales. It is hoped that the designs will also be used by England 2015 and Visit England as part of their national and international marketing activity.

Robert, who is currently undertaking a Foundation Degree (FdA) in Graphic Communication at the college said: “I really enjoyed working on this live brief. It was quite an open brief so it allowed me to be imaginative and whilst I do like rugby I’m hoping that my photo-based idea, which is not of a typical rugby fan, will get everyone involved – a little like the Olympics. Now that my idea has been chosen from the rest of the class by the City Council I’m now working on delivering the project!”

Nigel Watts, Head of Faculty of Art and Design at Exeter College , said: “We were delighted that the City Council asked our students to be involved in celebrating and promoting Exeter as a Host City for Rugby World Cup 2015, “We’re so excited that

Robert's work has been chosen for this exciting event.”

“Exeter being a Host City for Rugby World Cup is not only important for the city and rugby followers but for also raising the city's profile worldwide. This type of work project is essential in ensuring that our students hone their skills by working to client briefs. These real-life experiences are one of the number of ways we equip students to be work-ready for the challenging and competitive art and design industry. We’re really looking forward to seeing the posters and visuals around the city!”

Cllr Rosie Denham, Lead Councillor for Economy and Culture, said: “We are delighted to beworking with Exeter College and Robert on promoting Exeter as a Host City for Rugby World Cup, Robert's designs hit the brief. The quality of his work was outstanding and how his designs could be translated into posters, adverts, online and for video. We hope this commission gives Robert some valuable experience and adds to his portfolio for when he finishes his studies at Exeter College.”

For more information on Exeter and three Rugby World Cup games at Sandy Park, please visit