Art and Design students impress at college Art Show

A level and BTEC art and design students got the chance to impress the city's newest high profile employer when they showcased their creative talents to John Lewis' Design Co-ordinator at the launch of their Art Show at Exeter College on Monday.

The college's Centre for the Creative Industries was transformed into a lively exhibition space for the top class talents of the 16 to 18 year old graphics, textiles, fine art and photography artists.

“This exhibition rounds off our month long programme of shows that have included higher education and foundation diploma course artwork,” said Nigel Watts, head of the faculty of art and design. “Presenting their artwork to the public is an essential part of the assessment process and we're very proud of the range and standard of the exhibition from our youngest students. There is fierce competition for creative careers but the commitment and quality here will help these students as they start their art and design futures.”

Nigel went on to say, “We were delighted that Graham Foote accepted our invite to the launch of the show. John Lewis has such a high profile nationally and particularly in Exeter and it was great to be able to show the students how important art and design is to this major organisation.”

The launch event attracted over 200 parents, employers and art and design community leaders from across Exeter and the wider region who joined the college in also celebrating the Art and Design Students of the Year Awards presented to those students who had excelled in each of the A level and BTEC specialisms showing particular artistic talent or determination to succeed. The winners were:

BTEC level 1 Art, Design and Media – Hayley Hunt
BTEC Level 2 Diploma Art and Design – Elysia Kerslake, Jo Bailey
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Art and Design : Graphics Specialism – Charlie Beeson Fine Art Specialism – Dana Culkin; Print/Textiles Specialism – Corrie Burfoot; Photography Specialism – Jacob Ledger
BTEC Level 3 Certificate in Textiles – Sophie Loman,
BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary in Textiles – Mac Palima
A level Courses – Photography – Eloise Keatley; Elliot Watson; Graphics – Gillian Arend; Fine Art – Matt Hindle; Film and Video – Aphra Kennedy-Fletcher

Presenting the students with their awards, Graham Foote said “It's truly refreshing to see the amazing and diverse talent on offer in Exeter. It has been a real privilege to be invited to this event and it has given us an opportunity to build and develop what we hope at John Lewis will be a great working relationship with Exeter College, for years to come.”

Charlie Beeson, 17 from Tiverton, who was awarded the BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Art and Design (Graphics specialism) said “I've really enjoyed the course, the tutors have been so supportive and it's been a great environment to learn in. Exeter College has given me everything I would ever have wanted to prepare me for university and the future. I'm really excited about going to university now and I’m hoping in the future to go in to advertising and to set up my own studios.”

Richard Atkins, Principal of Exeter College said “we are very proud of the strong art and design history we have at the college and this exhibition proves that we continue to celebrate a very high standard. This summer we are investing further to develop a permanent exhibition area to showcase these exceptional talents. We are delighted that Graham Foote is here representing John Lewis and witnessing our students' achievements is a strong indication of the importance of the links between the college and employers.”