Academy students take to the stage

Students from the college's elite Michael Caines Academy got the opportunity to work with the region's top chefs this weekend as they provided the essential sous chef and back up support for the Exeter Festival of South West Food and Drink.

Joining the celebrity and local chefs and restaurateurs on the main cookery theatre stage, the students were able to witness close up competitive cook offs and masterclasses on a wide range of culinary skills from seafood preparation to specialist Indian foods.

Supporting the menu of chef stars such as Peter Gorton, TV chef Lesley Waters, Michelin starred Nathan Outlaw, as well as their own mentor and leader Michael Caines MBE, the students were at the Festival for the third year running, gaining that all important experience of seeing the area's most successful chefs at work. “Still trying to get over the fact that I got to work with Peter Gorton at Exeter Food Festival on stage,” tweeted Stephanie Colvin with the MasterChef replying “thank you for your help – you did a great job.”

“This Festival is now a firm favourite on the Academy calendar” said John Wheeler who leads the Michael Caines Academy “it's a great way for the students to see so many different talented chefs over the weekend – it's a crash course in different styles of catering and fine cuisine and also the importance of understanding ingredients and local produce.”

The Food Festival, now in its 11th year, is led by the Festival Board including the Academy's mentor Michael Caines MBE and has grown into an event of regional and national importance. 'Yet at its heart it remains a community happening,” said Michael Caines ” a success because producers, chefs, exhibitors and the food-loving public all come together to celebrate and enjoy the goodness and excellence of food and drink in the south west.”

Other praise for the MC Academy students came from fellow sponsors of the Food Festival Into-to Kitchens “Brilliant work again this year for MCaines Academy assisting all the chefs, thanks and well done” and Paramount Personnel “As always the students have done the college and themselves proud.”