We’re here to support you over the summer

It may be the summer holidays, but whatever you need we're here to support you. Below we've detailed some of the things we've got going on over the summer including drop in sessions, opportunities for one to one support, and how to get in contact with us.

College Advice Team

Whether you’re looking to get advice and guidance over the phone or book in a time to come in to speak to someone one to one about your choices and take a tour of the facilities, our College Advice Team are on hand to answer all your questions. You can contact them on 01392 400 600 or email CAT@exe-coll.ac.uk

Apprenticeship Team

If you have applied for an Apprenticeship but have not yet found an employer – the Apprenticeship team are running Job Shop Sessions specifically designed to help you boost your CV and confidence. Here you’ll have a one to one with our Apprenticeship advisors who will give you the best advice on how to find an employer to support your Apprenticeship. Call 01392 400 800 or email Apprentices@exe-coll.ac.uk to book.

We welcome anyone interested in Apprenticeships or looking for general advice and guidance to visit the Apprenticeship office at any time. You can find the team on the Hele Road Campus, simply drop in at reception who will be more than happy to direct you.

Alternatively you can call or email them at any time on 01392 400 800 or Apprentices@exe-coll.ac.uk

University Level Adviser

Our University Level adviser is on hand throughout the summer to answer any queries about our range of University level courses. We still have a range of courses open for clearing. For more information about the range of courses available please click here to visit our clearing page.

You can contact our University Level Adviser on 01392 400 909 or email headviser@exe-coll.ac.uk

Health and Wellbeing

Although college may have finished for the summer, we understand that some people may still need support during this time. Below we've collated a list of links to advice and support services who will be happy to support you if you need them over the holidays.

Childline – 0800 1111 – https://www.childline.org.uk
Samaritans (24 hour helpline) – 116 123 – https://www.samaritans.org
Papyrus (Suicide Prevention Charity) – 0800 068 41 41 – https://www.papyrus-uk.org
Kooth (Online Counselling & Support) – https://www.kooth.com
Devon Rape Crisis & Sexual Assault Service – 01392 204174
MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) – 03451551071
Shelter – 0808 1644660 – http://www.shelter.org.uk
Nightstop (Emergency accommodation) – 01392 284281
YES Centre Youth Enquiry Service – 01392 331666
Y-Smart (Drug & Alcohol Support) – 01271 388162 – http://ysmart.org.uk
SPLITZ (Domestic Violence) – 0345 155 1074 – https://www.splitz.org/devon.html
Foodbank – 07818 226524 – info@exeterfoodbank.org.uk
NHS (Non-Emergency Health Advice) – 111 Service
CEOP (Child Exploitation & Online Protection Centre) – https://www.ceop.police.uk