Exeter College Opens Kitchen Garden

Staff and students in the Hospitality Faculty have been working hard to create a small kitchen garden on the college premises. The team have had great support from the local community with wood supplied by RGB in Marsh Barton, the compost donated by a local farmer and plants from Dawlish Garden Trust.

Students have worked hard to raise money to buy additional seeds. They are currently running a competition to name the garden, with all money raised going towards buying additional plants.

Stafford Pitts, Programme Lead for @34 Restaurant said:

This has been a great project for students to get involved with and will really help with teaching them about seasonal produce. We have had great support from local businesses, so I would like to thank them for their input. We are looking forward to using our college-grown produce in the restaurant.”

Dawlish Garden Trust is a charity which helps adults with learning disabilities. They now have “an extensive and well-developed site with buildings developed for specific needs.” You can read more about them here.

The team hope to work with the charity more next year by using their fruit and vegetables and by cooking for them. We look forward to seeing more about this project.

If you are interested in studying Hospitality with us, then please check out our wide range of courses here. It's not too late to apply for this September.

Did you know our college restaurant recently won a prestigious award? Read all about it here.