Travelling to college

All full time students, aged 16-18 years old who live outside Exeter* are entitled to help with getting to college through our subsidised travel scheme. You will be contacted by the college in June if you are eligible for the scheme.

Students will be assessed by the college automatically using their application data and those who fit the criteria will then be entitled to join the Exeter College travel scheme (providing they fit the criteria). The contribution that students pay towards their travel pass for 2017-2018 will be £580 per year, or £210 for the first two terms and £190 for the summer term. Those with a household income between £16,000 and £23,000 may be eligible for assistance paying for transport. Those with a household income of less than £16,000 may be eligible for a free travel pass. This can be obtained by applying to the Exeter College Bursary Fund. Students who live within three miles of college but do not live within a reasonable walking distance may be eligible for a contribution towards the cost of their travel tickets if eligible for the Exeter College bursary fund.

Exeter College also runs a dedicated private transport service for students travelling from Great Torrington and South Molton costing £580 for the year paid annually, or £210 for the first two terms and £190 for the summer term. All travel scheme payments are made online by debit or credit card. For full details on how the scheme works visit our website

* Out of the Exeter City Council boundary

Exeter College 16-19 Bursary Fund

The Exeter College Bursary Fund is available to support students who may find that finances are a barrier to coming to college. Young people in care, care leavers, those on Income Support (or Universal Credit) and disabled young people in receipt of both Employment Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance (or Personal Independence Payment) receive yearly bursaries of £1,200. These are paid on an individual basis and arranged through an appointment with the Student Welfare Leader.

Other students facing financial difficulties whose family are in receipt of a means tested benefit or have a total household income of less than £23,000 may also apply to the Bursary Fund for help with essential course costs. This can include travel, books, equipment, kit and uniform, stationery and essential course trips. Students may also be eligible for free meals whilst they are studying at college. This is a limited fund and so not all costs can always be covered, however please apply and the student will be notified by email of their award.

Student Financial Support application forms can be downloaded from the college website or collected from Greystone House, Hele Road site. Income evidence or proof of eligibility must be provided with each application in order for an award to be made. For more information on the Bursary Fund contact the Student Welfare Administrators or email Returning students who have previously received assistance from the Bursary Fund will need to reapply for 2017-2018.