Learner Voice and student representation

It is important to us that we listen to our students. The aim of Learner Voice is to give students a real say in the way that they learn and the experiences they have at college. The Learner Voice programme helps the college gain a clear picture of what it is that students want and how best they learn, by giving us a forum at which we can hear their ideas, comments and concerns and…ACT ON THEM! Students can get involved in feeding back their views by becoming a tutor representative and taking part in Learner Voice, getting involved in the Student Representative Committee (SRC) or giving their feedback via our student surveys.

As well as asking questions about satisfaction, course quality and support, we use our Learner Voice and the SRC to find out what students love about college and how we can improve. Students meet within their faculties throughout the year and with the Principal twice a year and through the year we feedback how their views are making an impact.

Developments this year as a direct result of Learner Voice feedback included new IT facilities, new food options in the college cafes, table tennis tables across College, extra water fountains, and social seating areas in buildings.

The SRC is an organisation run by students for students and the elected officers and student governors’ work incredibly hard to ensure the voices of the students are heard. The SRC also organise campaigns, awareness events and information days about issues that are important to students.

In May, we held the annual Learner Voice review and celebration lunch in the @34 restaurant to thank tutor representatives and the SRC for all their hard work and feedback.

Students’ fundraising success

The Student Representative Committee (SRC), in collaboration with tutor groups and departments, have raised a brilliant £20,911* to date for this year’s chosen college charity Devon Air Ambulance Trust. All Faculties have taken part in arranging a fundraiser, including cake sales, a hair and make-up show, 24 bike rides, staff sky dives and loads more.

It is a fantastic achievement for the students and staff of Exeter College as this is a record breaking year for fundraising.

*correct at the time of publication