Haven Banks Student Smashes ITV’s Ninja Warrior UK

Exeter College Outdoor Education student, Ed Scott, has won the semi-final of ITV’s smash show, Ninja Warrior UK. Ed completed the course in a jaw dropping 2 minutes 9 seconds and smashed his way to the top of the leaderboard earning a place in the final. Hailed as the toughest obstacle course on television and a hit across the globe, the Ninja Warrior series is said to be the ultimate test of strength, speed and stamina.

The show features people from all walks of life competing to successfully complete the obstacle course in the fastest possible time. ITV describe the show as “laden with jaw-dropping challenges, heart-stopping excitement and adrenaline-fuelled action as the contestants attempt to complete three punishing and potentially hilarious stages.”

Exeter College Student and Ninja Warrior Finalist Ed Scott performs backflip at Haven BanksTo get on the show Ed was required to submit a video of himself using skills that could help him on the show such as climbing, free running and strength work. He was then asked to audition and put through various tests such as sprints and was delighted to receive a place on the show.

Talking of his experience on the show, Ed said: “On the day I was really nervous because I hadn't been in a situation like this before. I have learned that I am stronger than I thought I was, I really didn't think that I would be good enough to get past the heats, let alone do it in the fastest time by 20 seconds. It was such a fantastic experience, and a completely new one. Meeting all the other contestants was awesome, but putting my skills to the test was the best part.”

Ed from Exmouth, Devon came to Exeter College in September 2014 to study a BTEC Extended Diploma in Sport (Outdoor Adventurous Activities) and is now studying for an Foundation degree on our Outdoor Adventure Programme. He is popular in the centre and will always go out of his way to help and coach others which has led to his employment at Haven Banks Outdoor Education Centre as an instructor during his summer holidays. In term time Ed works outside of college to perfect his skills in gymnastics and free running and has a solid following on YouTube. Ed instructs gymnastics outside of college in order to fund his outdoor activities, travel and expenses, juggling his college work and work commitments. On top of this Ed has done volunteer work with the armed forces doing rehabilitation work with wounded soldiers.

Outdoor Education Lecturer, Mike Tomlinson said:

“Ed came to us with a background in free running and gymnastics but quickly developed excellent skills in all practical sessions. He displays an aptitude for activities involving balance and stamina like climbing, mountain biking and has subsequently become a keen kayak paddler showing huge improvements in his white water paddling.

You can see Ed in the final of Ninja Warrior UK which airs on Saturday 18 February at 7pm on ITV1.