Exeter College celebrate opening their results under a balloon arch

Exeter College Shines with Impressive A Level Exam Results 

Exeter College students are celebrating exceptional achievements, marked by remarkable A Level results. The College’s overall A Level pass rate was 99.5%, ahead of the national average of 97%, with 26 A Level subjects achieving a remarkable 100% pass rate, exceeding even last year’s outcome.  

57% of A Level grades were at the highest A*, A or B, classified as ‘high grades’, exceeding the national average. A*-C grades were also impressive with 83% of students achieving these grades, with the national average sitting at 76%. 

The College’s innovative and unique educational approach, which includes a rigorous externally set and marked AS exam in the first year, has played a significant role in the success of these outcomes. This approach, combined with the College’s bespoke “Extend” and “Excel” offer, has empowered students to excel across the full spectrum of A Level subjects.   

Billie Stokes, Assistant Principal at Exeter College expressed how proud she is of A Level learners, saying; 

“Our A Level learners have achieved excellent results, and we are immensely proud of their hard work, commitment, and resilience. We believe that our wide and diverse A Level offer, taught by exceptional teachers, provide our learners with the best opportunities for success. The learners dedication has truly paid off, and we wish them every success as they embark on the next steps of their journey.” 

CC Addison took A Levels in Biology, Maths and PE and is going to the University of Birmingham.

Across the country last week, students studying A Levels collected their results. One of those students was CC Addison who took A Levels in Biology, Maths and PE.  

“I’ve got an A* in PE and A in Maths and Biology, I am very happy with that. I’m going to the University of Birmingham to do Physiotherapy. The goal is to be a Sport Physiotherapist. 

“Exeter College is really good for preparing you for university, because you are quite independent, it’s very similar (to university), it’s a bigger step away from school.” 

The College has a uniquely broad A Level offer and students excelled across the spectrum of subjects. In nine different subjects more than a third of students achieved an A or an A*. In Fine Art 79% of students achieved a high grade with 43% at A or A*, over a quarter of the students achieved the very highest A* grade. Graphic Design also saw success with 91% of students achieving high grades. Science results were exceptional, in Chemistry 39% of students achieved an A or an A*, while in Biology 35% achieved an A or an A* with 9% achieving the top A* grade, in both subjects over 60% of students secured a high grade. 

Jakin Talbot took A Levels in Maths, Psychology and English Literature and achieved A*, A, A.

Jakin Talbot (pictured above) who took A Levels in Maths, Psychology and English Literature achieved A*, A, A and is going to Cardiff University to study Law. He has loved the opportunities College has given him, saying; 

“I have really enjoyed the extra curricular activities. I was able to be part of Reach Academy which was brilliant and vital for where I found all my friends. Doing some of the sports clubs as well and getting to do things that I couldn’t do at secondary school, that was really nice.” 

English Literature saw 60% of students achieve a high grade with a quarter of students achieving an A or an A*. 

Issi Marklew (pictured above, second from left) studied A Levels in English Literature, Biology and Chemistry. Izzy is now heading to the University of Oxford to study English Literature. She got an A*, A and B. 

“I really enjoyed English Literature at GCSE and I chose it to balance out the Sciences I picked, but then I realised Literature was my real passion. All my teaching was brilliant, but in English particularly it really made me excited to study it and I had great support to get me to Oxford University to continue my studies.” 

In Law and Mathematics 62% of students achieved high grades, with 36% in both subjects achieving an A or an A*. In Further Maths, 32% of students achieved the highest A* grade. 

Music A Level, not commonly offered in state providers, and often part of the offer in private schools, achieved the remarkable feat of 100% of students achieving high grades and 55% scoring an A or A*. 

Ayomide Okesola (pictured above) studied A Level Business, Psychology, and a BTEC in IT. She is now progressing to do a Level 5 Apprenticeship in Project Management at Exeter College. 

“I’ve got an A in Psychology, A in Business and Distinction* in BTEC IT, so I am pretty pleased. It’s been a lot of hard work; sleepless nights, effort, and tears of joy have gone into these two years, to come out like this is amazing for me… I am proud of myself. 

“What I love about college is I do really enjoy my subjects, learning has been a real pleasure, I was looking forward to coming to college every single day. What I enjoyed most were the EXtra things I get to do on top of my studies, just being involved and knowing I am a part of this college. As much as I am receiving an education I am contributing to the development of the college, that has brought me a lot of satisfaction.” 

Students in their first year, taking AS exams, have also excelled. Mathematics saw 46% of students achieving the very highest grades, with 42% of Classics students also achieving an A*, A or B and an amazing 62% of Spanish students falling into that bracket too. 

In the creative subjects, students studying Drama and Theatre Arts and Film Studies excelled with 61% and 68% of students receiving high grades. This success in our AS subjects shows how these exams help to build confidence and prepare students for their A2 exams. 

One student collecting AS results was Honey Forty (pictured above), studying English Language, French and Geography, getting a brilliant A, A, B. Honey volunteers for Radio Exe and says it’s easy to love what you’re doing when you’re doing your passion. 

“I chose these subjects because I want to be a journalist and have a passion for communication and connecting with people. So, French and Geography will allow me to travel the world and with English I can write about it. The teachers have been fantastic, and I’ve bonded with my classmates. I’ve found my people here.” 

Exeter College and the College governors would like to thank and congratulate the class of 2024 and thanks staff, parents, and partners for making this another year to celebrate.