AoC Sport National Hockey Team Trials

On Friday 25th November nine students (Tom Brooks, Callum Lefebvre, Ben Story, Kit Nebbett, Brandon Milford, Ellie Brooks, Shannon Osman, Anya Butler, and Emma Helliwell) from the Exeter College Hockey Academy travelled to Cannock for the AoC Sport National Team trials.

Gus McVey, Hockey coach, said: “Despite a blow out on the M5 at Taunton, this didn't dampen the students spirit and they thoroughly enjoyed their day representing the College and the Academy superbly. All were very nervous including those who had been before but they worked together and even adopted a few other players from other Colleges who were on their own. The standard of the men's trial was very high and the skills on show were excellent. Both Kit Nebbett and Tom Brooks were successful from the boys and Shannon Osman and Ellie Brooks from the girls, in addition Anya Butler and Emma Helliwell are travelling reserves.”