Exeter College Principal Richard Atkins to Retire

Exeter College Principal, Richard Atkins, has announced that he is to retire from his post at the end of March 2016.

Mr Atkins, who joined the college in 2002, originally announced his retirement from the end of 2015 in February of this year but subsequently temporarily suspended his retirement when the Governors of both Exeter and Petroc Colleges decided to investigate a potential merger. That merger has now been overtaken by the Government’s announcement of its review of post-16 education and training which will see the four Devon colleges joining the five in Somerset in a review assessing the economic and educational needs of the area.

Announcing Mr Atkins’ retirement, Philip Bostock, Chair of Governors said, “In May of this year both Petroc and Exeter Colleges’ Board of Governors took the opportunity to undertake strategic reviews of how the two colleges could work more closely together. We were very grateful that Richard agreed to temporarily suspend his retirement while this process took place to ensure stability and continuity. The Government’s policy on reviewing post-16 education and training institutions, involving all nine Devon and Somerset colleges, means that our more local opportunity for merger is no longer possible and we are looking forward to contributing to the post-16 future under the Government’s new policies.”

“Exeter College has recorded another outstanding year with strong student recruitment, exceptional results and a sound financial profile evidenced by the college investing in two further specialist facilities this term – our new Sports Hall and our Maths and Science Centre. Richard Atkins, as Principal, has been the powerhouse for the sustained focus on teaching, learning and assessment at the college and he leaves the college in a very strong position within the local community of Exeter, Devon and further afield.”

Richard has spent more than 35 years working in further education and schools as a teacher, lecturer and manager, and, before joining Exeter College, was previously Principal at Yeovil College for seven years. He has just completed a year as President of the national Association of Colleges which represents England’s 330 further education and sixth form colleges nationally and international and is currently Chair of AoC Sport and an active member of the Exeter4Learnng Partnership.

“I was very happy to suspend my original retirement plans earlier this year whilst the strategic review of our work with Petroc was going ahead.” said Richard Atkins. “However, now that is not happening and we know it will be some time before the Government’s area wide review takes place, I feel that next spring is the right time to leave. I have thoroughly enjoyed my 14 years as Principal at this college, it has been a real privilege to hold this post at one of England’s leading colleges. I have worked with many wonderful students, great staff and supporting governors and Exeter is a great city to work in. The college is now benefitting from many strong partnerships with local schools, employers, the University and the City and County Councils and these partnerships and its impressive track record of excellence in teaching and learning means the college, I’m sure, will be in an exceptionally strong position going into the new review of post-16 education and training across the area.”